Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Looking at Christmas…
(Reprinted with permission from the Associated Content)

In the early days of Christianity, Christmas was called the Feast of the Nativity. Pope Julius I chose December 25th in order to adopt and absorb other pagan festivals occurring during this time of year. By holding Christmas at the same time as Winter Solstice Festivals, church leaders increased the chances that the holiday would be more widely embraced. By the middle ages, Christianity had replaced most pagan practices. On Christmas, believers attended church, then celebrated in a drunken, carnival-like atmosphere.
It wasn’t until the 19th century that Americans began to embrace Christmas. Americans re-invented Christmas, and changed it from a raucous carnival holiday into a family-centered day of peace and nostalgia.
By the 1840s, newspapers were including special Christmas shopping sections during the holiday season. In 1841, the first step toward the full commercialization of Christmas began. In a Philadelphia department store, thousands of children and their parents lined up to see a life size replica of Santa Claus. The resulting boom in store sales sealed Christmas fate. In the early 1890s, the Salvation Army needed money to pay for the free Christmas meals they provided to needy families. They began dressing up unemployed men in Santa Clause suits and sending them into the streets of New York to solicit donations. Those familiar Salvation Army Santas have been ringing bells on the street corners of America ever since.
Santa Claus became synonymous with Christmas in the 1800s and the Christmas tree practice came to the US in the 1800s with the first German settlers in Pennsylvania.
With all the hype and tradition that encompasses Christmas in America, let us not forget why the holiday was created in the first place. It is a time of giving selflessly, and not necessarily material gifts. It is time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and the ultimate gift that was given to humanity. Let us all focus on what is important this holiday season.
God make us aware that in Thy name
The Holy Christ Child humbly came
To live on earth and leave behind
New faith and hope for all mankind.
-Helen Steiner Rice

A gifted young teacher from Virginia by the name of Charlotte Diggs "Lottie" Moon came to Cartersville as the co-principal of the Cartersville Female Academy in June, 1871. At Cartersville Baptist Church (now First Baptist Church), Lottie assisted her pastor, Rev. R.B. Headden, with visits to those in need in the community. In February 1873, pastors and deacons from around the area met at the Oothcalooga Baptist Church near Adairsville to pray about sending missionaries. Rev. Headden prayed that at least one person from his congregation would answer the call. Lottie Moon sat on her usual front row pew the following Sunday. Through the sermon of Rev. Headden, she heard her call to go to China.For the next 39 years the people in Cartersville prayed and faithfully gave their money for Lottie Moon's work in China. On Christmas Day of 1881, families from Cartersville came together and left a special offering for her work, the first Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. In 1892 Lottie returned to Cartersville to greet old friends and former pupils, who called her "our own Miss Lottie Moon."Please pray the 175 million LMCO goal will be met this year so all the peoples of the world will have a chance to hear the gospel message. Please pray concerning how you will give to the 2009 Lottie Christmas Offering.

--We have just been given our clearance to return to Swaziland. Pray our tickets will be issued before the IMB takes their Christmas break.
--The printer signed off on the printing of the Swazi people prayer booklet on the 9th of December and the booklets were to be sent to our Baptist office in Jo’burg. What a wonderful Christmas present!! Pray the booklets will soon be in the hands of many prayer warriors for the Swazi people.

Christmas in Swaziland is not the elaborate affair we know in America. Christmas decorations may be seen in many of the shops but in most Swazi homes little is done to celebrate the Christmas season. There are no decorated Christmas trees and very little Christmas shopping is done. Since it is summer the weather is warm/hot and therefore we can’t anticipate a white Christmas. One thing that is done especially in the rural areas on Christmas Day is going from homestead to homestead to say “where’s my Christmas?” In response they are given a plate of food to eat. Christmas for many Swazis is the eating of special food they do not always have during the year. Sadder still is the fact that many in Swaziland do not know or understand the true meaning of Christmas.
This Christmas season, pray many Swazis will have a chance to understand the significance of the Christmas season. Pray also the King of Swaziland, his wives and children will hear the true Christmas story and will realize trusting in Jesus is the most precious gift of all.

This week as you remember the “reason for the season” please pray for this special prayer requests:

-Please continue praying for our family members who are dealing with medical issues:
· My brother-in-law is slowly on the mend from his surgery.
· Wayne’s brother Terry as he continues to be in remission from his cancer.
· My nephew-in-law’s mother diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

-2010 begins with the arrival of a volunteer team (January 12-21) in the Shiselweni region from the Atlantic Association in North Carolina. Pray each team member will be prepared for his or her work in Swaziland. Pray the Lord will continue to lead volunteers to Swaziland and pray for continued harvest from their efforts.

-Pray for Steve, Monica, Lacie and Nathan Allen away from family this Christmas. May the they feel the Lord’s constant presence during the holiday season.

PRAYER FOR AMERICA: Father God, while we struggle with many hard pressing issues in this country, we pray that you will continue to hold us close to you. During the trials of a struggling economy with so many without jobs, we ask that all people would find your love and let it change their lives from within their hearts. Watch over those who would lead this country and guide their paths and their words in order to glorify you. Amen

**Please Note: Upon our return to Swaziland we will not able to use the africaonline email address. Please discontinue the use of this address and send emails to or Thank You!

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