Saturday, January 29, 2011

February Prayer Calendar

The Swazi Team

Tuesday February 1: The Allens’ crate from the states should arrive the first of February in South Africa. Pray they will have no difficulties getting their crate from South Africa and into Swaziland.

Wednesday February 2: Kym Pennington, True Love Waits International consultant, spent two weeks in Swaziland January 15-27. She was able to meet all the missionaries on the Swazi Team and become acquainted with pastors, True Love Waits presenters, adults and youth interested in helping with the True Love Waits ministry and make plans to return to Swaziland to conduct 3-day True Love Wait training (May 16-30 and October 16-30). Kym will also be getting married on the 18th of June!! Pray for Kym as she begins a new chapter in her life with her marriage. Pray for the beginning of a very strong True Love Waits program in Swaziland with presenters committed to the TLW message as well as TLW ministry in their country.

Thursday February 3: During a Bible study at Luwhhawhhaweni, an older lady of the group shared that the man she lived with for 35 years was not her husband since they had not been legally married and she did not carry his surname. His family was concerned that the ancestors would be very angry with her and the family if she tries to be buried in her “husband’s” plot and not have his surname. The family was encouraging her to marry her son so she would have the name and could be buried in the family plot and everyone (including the ancestors) would be happy. She asked the leader of the Bible study if this would be okay. Being a new Christian and unsure of so many things concerning her faith, this lady (like so many Swazis) struggles to do what is right in a society that is controlled by appeasing the ancestors and adhering to many culture practices that are unchristian. Pray Swazi Christians will understand the customs and traditions that are a normal part of life are not always acceptable to the Lord. Pray they will study more and learn about the Lord and His ways.

Friday February 4: January 13, training for teachers of the Swazi Baptist churches preschools was conducted at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church. Five preschools were represented. Supplies were given as well as training on the use of the teaching aids. Pray these teachers will commit to provide the best preschool education for the children attending and this will be a great year for everyone.

Saturday February 5: Today the executive committee of the Swaziland Baptist Convention meets to continue the planning of the 2011 Good Friday/ Resurrection (Easter) Services April 21-24. Pray for the members of this committee as they actively plan this very important event. The venue needs to be finalized soon. May the Lord be glorified in all the planning.

Sunday February 6: Pray for Todd and Deborah Hoskins as they seek God’s leading concerning support and involvement in a Swazi Baptist church in the Manzini area. Pray they will continue to adjust to living in Swaziland.

Monday February 7: Praise the Lord for the lady Steven Allen met while waiting in lines at the government office for over 8 hours one day that accepted the Lord! No fun waiting in lines but how exciting to know God had Steve where he wanted Him to be and a life forever changed.--Pray for several other folks that have recently accepted Jesus into their lives!! Pray each will grow in his/her walk with the Lord and will stay involved in a local church.

Tuesday February 8: There are very few children attending the Vuvalane Baptist Church. Some live with their grandmothers who faithfully attend but do not encourage or help the young ones dress each Sunday morning. Children’s Sunday School class was begun in January. Pray soon the Vuvulane Baptist Church will have a strong children’s program that will ensure a strong future for this struggling church. Pray for the youth/children outreach event planned for March 13 (9:00-3:00). Pray many will come and a “new beginning” will start for the Vuvulane Baptist Church.

Wednesday February 9: Pray for Monica Allen today on her birthday!!
Continue to pray for the Allen family as they seek to balance family and ministry. Now that Lacie and Nathan are in school, pray Steve and Monica will use their time wisely and look for opportunities to minister to folks everyday.

Thursday February 10: Praise the Lord Lacie and Nathan Allen are loving their new schools and starting this new school year well. Continue to pray for a great school year, their teachers, great friends and opportunities to share the love of Jesus with those around them.

Friday February 11: The rains continue to be good throughout Swaziland. Unfortunately abundance of rain in some parts of the country has damaged crops. Pray families affected by the large amounts of rain will be able to receive supplements to their food supplies. Pray many Swazis will have wonderful crops and gardens this year!!

Saturday February 12: Please continue to pray for members of the IMB Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.--Thank you for contributing to the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Members of the Swazi Team have been enriched, not only by the fruits of labors but by your faithful prayer support and giving.

Sunday February 13: Sunday January 23, missionary Wayne Myers was blessed when on short notice was asked to preach and lead the worship services at the Luwhhawhhaweni Baptist Church. As usual Wayne arrived at the small house that hosts this congregation to a few but by the time the services ended the room was full and 5 people committed to follow Jesus Christ. We are thankful for this wonderful blessing. Please pray this small church will be a strong witness to a community that is in bondage to unchristian Swazi traditions and culture.

Monday February 14: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!
Pray for the controversy and conflicts at the Victory Baptist Church due to leadership by one person. It is causing members of the congregation to leave the church. Pray for the Allens as they seek the Lord’s direction with this sticky situation.

Tuesday February 15: The Swazi Team has asked prayer many times for Swazi Christians to be faithful to the teachings of the Bible especially with regard to God’s plan for marriage and Christian living. With sadness in our hearts we continue hear of those who fall prey to culture and the desires of the flesh. One of the youth trained to present the True Love Waits message and a gifted children’s Sunday School teacher is now pregnant and not married. What a disappointment and also a great concern of contacting HIV/AIDS. Even though Swaziland is being devastated by the AIDS pandemic, the population lives as though there is no AIDS. Pray the message of abstinence, and most especially the power of Jesus Christ behind the message, will permeate the hearts of the Swazi people.

Wednesday February 16: Pray for the new ladies’ disciple group that began on the 19th of January (meets every Wednesday) at the Peace Baptist Church. Over the next several weeks their study will be on 1 Corinthians. May this time be an encouragement to these ladies as they continue to faithfully serve each Sunday without consistent pastoral leadership.

Thursday February 17: 1Timothy 2:1-2 commands us to pray for kings and those in authority. Please pray the King of Swaziland, his wives and children will come to understand what it means to be a Christian. Pray their lives will show the love of Christ.

Friday February 18: In Manzini a Muslim mosque is nestled amidst businesses and schools. The structure draws attention to those that pass by and is another indication of the rapid growth of the Muslim faith in Swaziland. Pray Christians will continue to see the urgency to witness to their loss friends and neighbors. May the spread of Islam be halted throughout Swaziland.

Saturday February 19: Today is Phil Hoskins (Todd’s father) birthday. Pray he will have a great day!!--Please pray for Deborah Hoskins and family who lost two great-uncles in January. Pray for peace and comfort during this time of loss.

Sunday February 20: The Shiselweni Baptist Association met on the 15th of January. Their next scheduled meeting is March 19th. Pray for this association as it meets regularly. Pray the meetings will be conducted in the spirit of unity and much will be accomplished for the Kingdom of God.

Monday February 21: “I plan to return every year as long as I can!” These words were spoken by a volunteer team member who ministered in Swaziland in 2010. The Swazi Team is so thankful for volunteers who give of their time to help evangelize and disciple Swazis. February 21-March 3, a volunteer team from the Atlantic Association in North Carolina will minister in the Shiselweni region. Plans include an overnight ladies’ retreat, weekend youth retreat and homestead visitation and Bible studies. Pray the ministry of this team will touch many Swazi hearts. Pray the sharing of spiritual fruit will reap great rewards.

Tuesday February 22: Pray for the young (unsaved) man Steven Allen recently met on the way home from Lesibovu who is seeking to learn more about God. He has shown a desire to attend the weekly Bible study at Lesibovu that meets on Saturdays. Pray this young man will see the need to be in church with God’s people studying God’s Word.

Wednesday February 23: The Swazi Team received confirmation of 100 BGR buckets for AIDS ministry in Swaziland. We are so thankful for the buckets that will help AIDS victims have dignity and hope and give them an opportunity to see and hear God’s love for them. Pray the Team will soon receive the buckets. Pray for the Lord’s guidance as the Team begins ministering to the many hurting victims of AIDS and their families.If your church is interested in helping pack a BGR bucket, contact this website Your help is much needed and will be much appreciated!!

Thursday February 24: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN UNENGAGED PEOPLES: Within the desert country of Botswana, the following six people groups--the Lozi, the Mbukushu, the Ndebele, the Pedi, the Shona and the Yeye—have two things in common. First, they are relatively small, all with a population between 10,000 to 23,000. Second, each of these people groups is “unengaged,” which means that no national church, IMB missionary, or SBC volunteer team is specifically taking the Gospel to them. Please pray these six small people groups within Botswana will hear of the Lord’s plan for their lives. Pray someone will take the Gospel to them.

Friday February 25: On the 20th of March the Velebantfu Baptist Church will conduct a special licensing service for their pastor Lizwe Nsibandze. Pastor Nsibandze has led this church for many years and is a strong leader and committed Christian. Pray for the planning of this very special service. Pray the members of the Velebantfu Baptist Church will continue to support their pastor as he leads the congregation.

Saturday February 26: Pray for the volunteer team from Clear Creek Bible College in Pineville, Ky., serving with the Allens in March. The group will lead revival services, homestead visitations and Bible studies in two specific areas of ministry. Pray for the team’s preparations and for each team member to desire to accept all the Lord has planned for them.

Sunday February 27: It is the desire of many of our Swazi Baptist pastors and leaders to be trained in the work in which the Lord has called them. Providing this training is a big undertaking that will help strengthen our Swazi Baptist pastors/leaders and churches. The first Rural Bible Training School for 2011is scheduled for May 10-13 and the second school is September 20-23. Pray for the Swazi Team as logistics and curriculum are planned. Pray the participants will come with a heart to learn and be trained. Pray wonderful blessings will touch the heart of each participant.

Monday February 28: March 30-April 4, 2011 is the scheduled Cluster Strategy Meeting at the Birchwood Conference Center in Johannesburg, South Africa. The First Baptist Church of Orlando will provide volunteers to work with the missionary children (MK-missionary kids) program and lead in the worship services. Your missionaries on the Swazi Team will attend this meeting. Pray for the continued preparations/logistics for this meeting. Pray for spiritual preparedness for the missionaries attending, the volunteer ministering and the leadership leading.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Love to pray. Feel often during the day the need for prayer, and take trouble to pray. Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God’s gift of himself. Ask and seek and your heart will grow big enough to receive him. - Mother Teresa

Saturday Wayne received a phone call from the young man that preaches at the Luwhhawhhaweni Baptist Church each Sunday that he would be unable to attend Sunday due to his job. This young man is not the pastor of the church but a member of the Phuzumoya Baptist Church. He comes every week because the pastor is in a situation that the community views of inappropriate. His family sent him to live in the home of his deceased brother’s wife to care for the property when she is not there which is often since her job is in Big Bend. Even though the couple claims not to have a sexual relationship, to the community this is not how a pastor should live. He does not have a job and until he can provide for himself he can not leave this home even though he knows he needs to have a good witness. Therefore Mandla comes every week to preach to the congregation. The last time we had attended Luwhhawhhaweni, we had to wait thirty minutes until someone arrived to unlock the small house that serves as a church. It was a rather warm day with few in attendance. Sunday was also a very warm day but with many in attendance. At the end of the service five people came forward to accept Jesus as their Savior. What a blessing for these and this little church and what a blessing for Wayne to have a part in this service. Please pray for these to understand what it truly means to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for the situation with the pastor—he will be able to find a job that will take care of his needs and still lead this congregation. Pray the church will be a lighthouse in a community that lives in darkness.

I did not attend Luwhhawhhaweni on Sunday with Wayne but felt my place was at the Vuvulane Baptist Church. This church also meets in a home in the middle of sugar cane fields. For several months we have taken a lady (Gertrude) that lives on the farm and works in the office with us to church. She was baptized at the last baptism service at Vuvulane and loves to read her Bible and attend worship services. When we arrived Sunday to the church, we stayed and Wayne left for Luwhhawhhaweni. It was a dismal group that sat on the floor in the lounge (living room) of that home waiting for people to come. We finally started singing and by the time Sunday School had ended we had approximately 15 people. For the last several weeks there have been very few children attending. Even the children on the homestead that hosts the church do not come. The children on the homestead next to the church do not come either even though their grandmother is there every Sunday. When asked why the children do not come, she says, “Oh they didn’t have any clean clothes. I didn’t get the chance to wash them.” The host grandmother says, “I tell them to get ready to come to church but they do not do it.” These children will play outside during our worship time causing the children inside the church to want to come out and play with them. Also the children do not have a Sunday School class on Sunday morning because it is too far for the teacher to come every Sunday. The normal noisy children were not noisy Sunday, but it was two of the children that had been inside that went outside supposedly to go to the bathroom that were in the midst of beginning to be quite disruptive. I sat there for a few seconds. I did say, “Lord I won’t do anything you do not orchestrate.” But to be honest I don’t know if it was the Lord’s urging or whether I just had enough of this behavior, but before I knew it I had my shoes on marching outside to bring those children inside!! Through all of this I knew something needed to be done to encourage the Mavusos (pastor) who were quite discouraged and to ensure the church has a future. Without the spiritual instruction of the children there is no future. I prayed concerning this situation and we invited the Mavusos over Tuesday night to talk. They were more than happy to accept any help we could offer. From this meeting, I committed to leading the children’s Sunday School. Gertrude will help me and when I can’t be there she will continue with this ministry. Hopefully I will be able to train her to accept this ministry as her own. Wayne feels led to start working with the youth, although at this point I only know of one. A youth/children outreach has also been scheduled for March 13. Pray soon the Vuvulane Baptist Church will have a strong children’s and youth program that will ensure a strong future for this struggling church. Pray the youth/children outreach event planned for March 13th (9:00-3:00) will attract many neighborhood youth and children. Pray this will be a “new beginning” for the Mavusos and the Vuvulane Baptist Church.

Update on my computer….Going next door to ask if they knew when the computer shop would open, Wayne was told the shop had moved. When he found the shop he was able to get information concerning the graphics card from my computer. A new card has been ordered and will be brought by the volunteer team in February. Thanks for praying.

--Saturday February 5, the executive committee of the Swaziland Baptist Convention meets to continue the planning of the 2011 Good Friday/Resurrection (Easter) Services April 21-24. Pray for the members of this committee as they actively plan this very important event.

---February 17th, Wayne, Steve and Todd will meet (Manzini) to discuss logistics and curriculum for the Swazi Baptist Rural Training Schools. The first school is scheduled for May 10-13 and the second school is September 20-23. Pray for Wayne, Steve and Todd as they seek the Lord’s wisdom concerning the particulars of the school.

--February 21-March 3 a volunteer team from the Atlantic Association in North Carolina will minister in the Shiselweni region of Swaziland. All six of the team members have been in Swaziland before on a volunteer team and most have been several times!! Plans include an overnight ladies’ retreat at the Thunzini Baptist Church, a weekend youth retreat at the Mgamudze Baptist Church and homestead visitation/Bible studies. Pray for this team as planning continues for their trip to Swaziland. Pray for Wayne and I as we prepare for the team’s arrival and ministry.

-Please remember JC as he recovers from his pancreatitis. He still is not feeling well. His labs will be checked today (Friday). Pray he will soon feel like eating and recovery will be complete.

-My Aunt Aldean (mother’s sister who broke her hip and right arm) was able to have the bones set. She is recuperating. Please pray for her full recovery.

-Please continue to pray for Wayne’s siblings: Terry currently in remission from stage 4 cancer, Patsy suffering from COPD and Lynda dealing with health issues as well as Patsy’s husband Jim. Pray the Lord will wrap His loving arms around this family.

Thank you for your prayer support!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Update on the Hoskins

Hello everybody!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm through all of the cold weather and snow that has affected so many of you. We are doing quite well.

We are so amazed at God’s provision of a home for us in Manzini. We were able to move into the apartment in the TransWorld Radio building on January 1st. It has proven to be a great location for people to be able to stop by and visit. We have been able to host new friends, and Deborah has even made muffins—everything is feeling more and more like home. We are getting to know the area by taking a walk in the mornings. I think in about another month everyone in town will recognize us as the crazy folks who walk in the morning and without seeming to have a destination in mind.

Todd is working on the logistics for the Bible Training School that is to have its first session May 10th through May 13th. Please pray for wisdom in figuring out how to make the school effective and self-sustaining.

We would also appreciate prayer as we decide on a church to attend here. There are five different Baptist churches in the Manzini area with which our team works, and Todd and I would like to be a part of one of them. We have been visiting the churches over the past several weeks. Please pray that God will give us wisdom and direction in knowing where to invest our time and energy.

We uploaded a video from the other half of our training time in West Africa. You can click on the following link to view it:
or search “Entry 002_Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.”

Thank you so much for your love and support! We couldn’t do our work without you!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Life has a way of making us laugh even while doing the mundane. Since moving to Tshaneni, Wayne has experienced difficulty accessing and sending his messages. In fact he has to travel down the road a ways, park his vehicle and do his emailing. At various times the Tshaneni police have stopped at his vehicle to see if everything was okay. Even at a roadblock (random check of road worthiness of Swazi vehicles), one of the policeman asked Wayne why was he always parked in the forest (it is shady and cool). Wayne explained about his email situation. The policeman went on to say, “But in the forest? There are pirates in the forest. You need to park somewhere else!!” The other day while Wayne was doing his daily emailing, a Tshaneni police car pulled in behind him. The police proceeded to get out of his vehicle and approached Wayne. They chatted a little and then the policemen showed Wayne his new laptop computer that he had received for Christmas. Then he asked Wayne, “Could you show me how to get on the internet?” Wayne said, “Sure!” The policeman got into our vehicle and for the next few minutes Wayne showed him how to get on the internet.

Speaking of computers…my computer has been in the shop since October due to a faulty graphics card. I have continued to use Wayne’s old Dell laptop. BUT, I really need my computer. Please pray the computer shop will open (closed for holidays at least I hope the office is just closed for the holidays L) soon and Wayne will be able to get the information needed to order a new graphics card. Pray I will soon be reunited with my computer!!

--We had a wonderful week with Kym Pennington, (True Love Waits International consultant) here in Tshaneni (January 16-21). Kym was able to meet all the missionaries on the Swazi Team, become acquainted with pastors and Swazis interested in helping with the TLW ministry and make plans to return and conduct 3-day True Love Waits trainings. Kym’s return dates are May 16-30 and October 16-30. Pray for the beginning of a very strong True Love Waits program in Swaziland with presenters committed to the message as well as TLW ministry. Kym is presently ministering with the Allens until the 27th of January. Kym is also getting married June 18th!! Pray for Kym as she begins a new chapter in her life!

AIDS UPDATE:We have asked prayer many times for Swazi Christians to be faithful to the teachings of the Bible especially with regard to God’s plan for marriage and Christian living. With sadness in our hearts we continue hear of those who fall prey to a culture and the desires of the flesh. Last week we heard of one of our youth who had been trained to present the True Love Waits message and was a gifted children’s teacher (helping with the children camps) was now pregnant and not married. What a disappointment and also a great concern of contacting HIV/AIDS. Even though Swaziland is being devastated by the AIDS pandemic, the population lives as though there was no AIDS. Pray that the message of abstinence, and most especially the power of Jesus Christ behind the message, will permeate the hearts of the Swazi people.

--The Shiselweni Baptist Association met on the 15th of January. The Association’s next scheduled meeting is March 19th. Pray for this association as it organizes and meets on a regularly. Pray the meetings will be conducted in the spirit of unity and much will be accomplished for the Kingdom of God. February 21-March 3 a volunteer team from the Atlantic Association in North Carolina will minister in the Shiselweni region of Swaziland. All six of the team members have been in Swaziland before on a volunteer team and most have been several times!! Plans include an overnight ladies’ retreat at the Thunzini Baptist Church, a weekend youth retreat at the Mgamudze Baptist Church and homestead visitation/Bible studies. We are thankful for this group of volunteers giving of their time to help evangelize and disciple Swazis. Pray for this team as planning continues for their trip to Swaziland. Pray for Wayne and I as we prepare for the team’s arrival and ministry.

--JC went back to the Dr. He says metabolically everything is where it should be. They will check the enzymes next Friday and we will know more. They are still trying to get all of his meds regulated so he does not sleep so much. He is beginning to get some color back in his cheeks and he is beginning to get a little more lively. So hopefully we are on the right track. It is just going to be a very slow process to rebuild his digestive system. Please pray for JC’s continued healing and his enzymes will return to normal.

--My mother’s sister, (Aldean Maples-86 years old) fell and broke her hip and arm. Before the broken bones can be set, she will have to be gotten off her blood thinner meds. They have her in some kind of air cast until they get her off the blood thinner. Once they get the broken bones set they will be moving her into a nursing home in Jeffersonville (Ind.) Please pray the bones will be set and Aunt Aldean will heal from this injury. Pray for a speedy recovery.

--Please continue to pray for Wayne’s siblings; Terry currently in remission from stage 4 cancer, Patsy suffering from COPD and Lynda dealing with various health issues as well as Patsy’s husband Jim. Pray the Lord will wrap His arms around this family.

PRAY REQUESTS FROM THE IMB OFFICE OF GLOBAL PRAYER STRATEGY:-January 24-March 23: Field Personnel Orientation. The first field orientation of the year will bring together 98 adult missionaries and 38 MKs (missionary kids) for approximately eight weeks in order to equip them for overseas ministry and living. Please pray daily for them, as well as for the administrative and teaching staff.-January 24-26: Iniciativa 21. There are more than 30,000 Hispanic churches in the United States. For over a decade, Christians have ministered to the unreached overseas. In the last two or three years, the call has expanded to bless the nations that are around us in the U.S. In this conference, speakers will share information about people groups and how to reach them in this country and around the world. This conference will be conducted in Spanish. Oh, that God would call out more and more Hispanic churches and individuals to be His laborers in His harvest fields!

--Please continue to pray for the IMB’s Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Prayer is the expression of a human heart in conversation with God. The more natural the prayer, the more real he becomes. It has all been simplified for me to this extent. Prayer is a dialogue between two persons who love each other. –Rosalind Rinker

While it is winter in the good old USA it is summer in Swaziland. We know of the cold and snow that has attacked the southeast section and do hope you are able to keep warm and happy!! Right now in Tshaneni it is a muggy summer day, just like summer in Kentucky. Wayne is on his way to the Shiselweni region to attend the Shiselweni Baptist Convention tomorrow (Sat. 15th) at the Velebantfu Baptist Church. The association is in the process of regrouping and meeting on a regular basis under the leadership of Pastor Nkosingiphile Dlamini. We are thankful for the strong leadership he provides and ask that you pray for this association as they reorganize and meet regularly. Pray the meeting tomorrow will be conducted in the spirit of unity and much will be accomplished for the Kingdom of God.

--The training for the teachers of the Swazi Baptist churches’ preschools was conducted at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church on the 13th of January. There are six Swazi Baptist preschools organized for the 2011 school year. Five of those churches were represented. Supplies were given as well as training on the use of the teaching aids. Pray these teachers will commit to provide the best preschool education for the children attending and this will be a great year for everyone.

Monday (17th) starts a new school year and experience for Lacie Allen as she enters 1st grade at the Sifundzane Primary School in Mbabane. Pray Lacie will adjust well and will enjoy her new school. Nathan Allen will attend preschool two mornings a week (Monday and Wednesday) beginning Wednesday the 19th. Pray Nathan will do well and adjust to the structure of school.

AIDS UPDATE: Saturday (15th) the True Love Waits International consultant, Kym Pennington arrives in Swaziland. Kym will spend Saturday night with the Hoskins in Manzini. Sunday she will make her way to Tshaneni and be with us until Friday the 21st. From the 21st until her departure on the 27th, she will work and visit with the Allens. Kym will be introduced to pastors and trained TLW presenters as well as explaining the ministry of True Love Waits to Swazi Baptist church groups. Pray this time will help Kym have a strong beginning with the True Love Waits ministry in Swaziland. Pray leaders will be developed to faithfully share the message of purity in schools, churches and with friends and family members.

FAMILY PRAYER CONCERNS: JC (my great nephew) update: JC had the scope done yesterday but they found nothing. They are inserting a feeding tube so he can get some nourishment until they find out the cause of the problem. His enzymes are still elevated but everything else is showing up clear. They have several theories but nothing concrete about what is wrong. One is that the anxiety when he started back to school started it and now his body thinks it is suppose to purge every time something hits the stomach. One of the reasons for inserting the feeding tube is to give the stomach time to readjust. Another theory is that the Triliptal for seizures has caused the elevated enzymes--thus the reason for changing his seizure medication. But this has to be done gradual in order not to throw him into a seizure. Please pray JC will soon be eating and feeling better and able to leave the hospital. Pray for complete healing!!

--Please continue to pray for Wayne’s siblings, Terry, Patsy and Patsy’s husband and Lynda who are dealing with health issues. Pray for the for the Lord’s healing touch.

--Friday while at Luwhhawhhaweni for his Friday afternoon Bible study, Wayne was given another look at the culture that controls the lives of so many Swazis. The older lady in the group was sharing that the man she lived with for 35 years (is deceased) was not her husband since they were not legally married and she does not carry his surname. His family was concerned that the ancestors would be very angry with her and the family if she tries to be buried in her “husband’s” family plot and not have his surname. The family was encouraging her to marry her son so she would have the name and could be buried in the family plot and everyone (including the ancestors) would be happy. She asked Wayne if this was okay. L Being a new Christian and unsure of so many things concerning her faith, this lady (like so many other Swazis) struggles to do what is right in a society that is controlled by appeasing the ancestors and adhering to many cultural practices that are totally unchristian. Pray Swazi Christians will understand the customs and traditions that are a normal part of life are not always acceptable to the Lord and why they are not acceptable. Pray many will study and learn about the Lord and His ways.

-January 17-21: Strategy Logistics Associates and Office of Global Logistics Support Meeting. May the Lord’s blessings be upon them as they travel, worship, debrief, learn and fellowship together.

--January 19: Executive Forum. May our Father’s hand of leadership be upon our interim president, Clyde Meador, and his team during this important administrative/strategy meeting.

--January 22: Medical Missions Day (conference) hosted by Willowbrook Baptist Church, Huntsville, Ala. Pray for the conferees as they learn about new, effective health strategies; become better equipped for short-term medical missions; hear about Southern Baptist medical missions that cover the globe; discover service opportunities; and network with other like-minded healthcare professions.

--Please continue to pray for the IMB’s Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.

Thank you for your sacrificial giving to the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Standing in a hot and crowded class room hoping the fresh air would soon begin flowing from the front door we all clapped our hands and sang siSwati songs to welcome in 2011 (Friday Dec. 31st). Members from the three churches, Vuvulane, Mafacula and Luwhhawhhaweni gathered at the Mafacula Secondary School to worship and fellowship together. A portion of the “Jesus” film was shown and Pastor Nkosingiphile Dlamini brought the sermon. Choirs sang and even though it was hot and muggy (with all the humanity in one small room) it was a very nice service. The only thing that was a great hindrance to our spirit of worship was the many many bugs flying around and landing in our hair, on our arms and all over our bodies. Some of the bugs were small, some were big and some were even bigger!! At one point in the service I thought if one more bug hits me in the head I am going to scream!! But I overcame my compulsion to show my emotion and praised the Lord for His blessings and for the ministry with the people of Swaziland. Please pray in 2011 many Swazis will truly understand who Jesus is and follow Him completely putting aside traditions that conflict with the Christian way of life.

--Today the executive committee of the Baptist Convention of Swaziland is meeting to continue planning the 2011 National Easter Servces (April 21-24). Pray for this committee as they plan this very important event.

--The rains continue to be good throughout Swaziland. Please continue praying the rains will not stop just when the crops and gardens need it the most. Pray the rains will continue until April or May and there will be enough water to fill the streams and rivers and food for all Swazis.

--January 13th, is the scheduled training for teachers of the Swazi Baptist churches’ preschools at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church. I am happy to say there are six preschools, Phuzumoya, Vovovo, Big Bend, Manzini, Peace and Velebantfu. Pray these schools will offer the best preschool education to the children attending. Pray the teachers will find this training very helpful.

-January 15th the Shiselweni Baptist Association will meet at the Velebantfu Baptist Church. Pray for a good representation from the churches in the Shiselweni region. Pray for unity that will develop a strong Baptist association.

--January 15-27, Kym Pennington, True Love Waits International consultant will be in Swaziland. While in the country she will meet with trained True Love Waits presenters, discuss future plans for TLW ministry with pastors and Swazi Team members and begin her ministry with the Swazi people. With the AIDS pandemic continuing to devastate the country of Swaziland, pray leaders will rise up and stand strong in sharing the message of purity. Pray for Kym’s visit to Swaziland to be the beginning of a wonderful ministry.

The Allen family will take a holiday January 11-12 to the Kruger National Game Reserve. Pray this will be a fun time for Lacie and Nathan. Pray they will see many animals and other interesting things.

AIDS UPDATE:Wayne received a phone call this week and learned there are 100 BGR buckets for the Swazi Team. We are so thankful for these buckets that will help AIDS victims have dignity and hope and give them an opportunity to see and hear God’s love for them. Pray we will soon receive the 100 buckets. Pray for the Lord’s guidance as the Team begins ministering to the many hurting victims of AIDS and their families.If your church is interested in helping pack a BGR bucket, contact this website Your help is much needed and will be much appreciated!!

-January 10-15: Stateside Assignment Conference for 220 missionary adults and 134 MKs (missionary kids). May the Lord’s blessings be upon them as they travel, worship, debrief, learn and fellowship together.
--Please continue to pray for the IMB’s Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.

--August 28, 1993 Wayne and I arrived in Swaziland to begin a journey of ministry with the Swazi people. Over the years our lives have been enriched not only by the fruits of labors but by your faithful prayer support and giving. Thank you for your sacrificial giving to the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

UPDATE ON LISA WARREN’S FATHER: Lisa’s father, Lloyd Claiborne underwent a heart catheterization Friday December 31st and it revealed a strong heart muscle but 4 major blockages that can only be treated with heart medications. Due to his stroke (2008) and current health condition, he is not a candidate for bypass surgery. Please remember Lisa and her parents. Pray for strength and comfort as they move through the days ahead. Pray the Lord’s guiding hand will guide their every step.

We had a visitor this week on our back porch. It was not Mr. Snake but Mr. Crab!! We live next to a swampy area and so I guess he was wandering around and decided to stop by. We didn’t know what to think of each other as I returned from hanging clothes on the clothes line and spotted him at the back door. His pinchers were braced for battle. I tried to calm him down and assure him I would not disturb his time of resting and if it was all the same to him, I think I’ll go in the front door. He eventually continued his journey. We occasionally see these crabs (not for eating according to the Swazis) in our yard and around our gate. We also have a troop of monkeys (vervet monkeys, black face and gray body and much smaller than chimps) that visit us on a regular basis. The other day I heard something and when I went to investigate found a monkey or monkeys looking in our windows. As soon as they saw me they jumped down and scurried across the yard. I love to watch them, especially the young ones play. Since they have eaten all they wanted from our garden (corn, beans, peppers, tomatoes) they content themselves with jumping from tree to tree and sitting on the fence. I talk to them occasionally too. They don’t know what to think of me, either. When I talk they just stare and if I move they run away.

Thank you for your prayer support!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year from Swaziland

Happy New Year from Swaziland!

Whew....cannot believe that we are already into yet another year. Time just flew by last year for our family. We pray everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a blessed year ahead.

- Todd and Deborah Hoskins, our newest personnel, have moved down to their new flat (apartment) in Manzini over the weekend. We miss not having them next door but know this is where God has them for their time of ministry in Swaziland. Continue to pray for them as they are in the midst of yet another transition.

- Steve had the opportunity to lead someone to Christ while waiting in lines at one of our government offices last week...praise the Lord!

- We also were able to assist in leading two people to Christ at Bethel Baptist a few weeks ago during their morning service. God is at work in Swaziland and pray we continue to keep our eyes open every day for people that desperately need to know Jesus.

- Thank you for everyone that generously gave to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering this past holiday season!!! Because of YOUR sacrificial giving, we are able to continue with the ministry God has called our family to Swaziland.

- Several of our churches gathered in different locations for New Year's weekend services. Praise God for their faithfulness and may these services encourage them all in their walks with the Lord.- Our family was able to participate with a few churches with their Christmas celebrations/lunches. It was a special blessing to us all.

- Lacie was able to participate in a children's Christmas program at a church in town and that was a rare but special treat for her.

- Our family had a nice Christmas with our team leaders, Wayne and Barbara Myers, at our house. We have also gotten with other missionary friends over the holidays for fellowship and fun.

Prayer Requests:
- Steve plans to a prayer drive within the next two weeks in preparation of a new work area. This has been a prayer concern for a bit but something has stopped us from being able to do this each time.

- We have three volunteer teams coming to serve with us in 2011. We are looking forward to their time with our family and the Swazi people. Pray for all the logistics on our side, ministry that God wants for these teams and the finances/spiritual preparation for each team in the USA.
***If anyone else is interested in coming to serve with us, let us know! We have a big need for a volunteer team to come serve at our National Youth Camp in late August.

- Our True Love Waits consultant, Kym Pennington, is coming to Swaziland, January 15-27. Kym is a former journeyman with our company to Malawi. Pray for Kym's time with our Swazis and our mission team. We know many need to hear AND live out the TLW message!

- Lacie starts grade 1 on January 17 and Nathan starts preschool two days a week on January 19. Pray for them as they begin new schools. May God protect them, provide special friends and opportunities for us as a family to reach out as a shining light for Jesus.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support!!!!
May God continue to richly bless all your lives!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Updated Swaziland Team Photo

Swaziland Baptist Mission Team - Todd and Deborah Hoskins,
Steve, Monica, Lacie and Nathan Allen and Wayne and Barbara Myers

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

This is the last day of 2010. We hope it has been a good year for you. For us it has been a year of change with moving to Tshaneni and continuing the work the Warrens began during their time of ministry. We also had to move from one house on the Swazi Citrus Farm to another house. But we praise the Lord for walking beside us though all the changes the year brought and we are looking to what he has for us in 2011. Please pray 2011 will be a good year for us and the Swazi Team as we minister to the Swazi people. Pray many Swazis will accept Jesus and put aside culture and traditions that conflict with the Christian way of life.

A few years ago a missionary was given a couple of pineapple tops to plant. After planting the tops he waited for about three years until finally he began to see evidence of a pineapple growing on one of the plants. It was another six months before the pineapple was ready to pick. What a joy it was to pick that first pineapple. Using this example of the growing pineapple one can see the growing of leaders and workers for the harvest field in Swaziland takes a long time. Working with youth and young adults in a culture that promotes an unchristian lifestyle can be emotionally trying but the reward can be so sweet. As missionaries on the Swazi Team struggle with disappointments, pray in 2011 they will look to the Lord for guidance, His wisdom and assurance that the outcome will be worth the wait.

--Thanks to the many of you who prayed for Wayne and his family during the loss of his brother, Rusty. We also appreciate the many emails with words of sympathy and encouragement. Please continue praying for the family during this difficult time of loss.

Last Sunday we were blessed to be a part of the Big Bend Baptist Church (Lobombo region) and assist with the baptism of three new believers. It is always a thrill to see Swazis come to know the Lord and follow his command to be baptized. Please pray for these three new believers. Pray also the Big Bend Baptist Church will continue to seek the many lost in the community. After the baptism the pastor told all the people to return to the church because the service was not finished. Usually the baptism is at the end of the service and I was quite surprised to be told to return to my pew. The pastor thanked us for coming and then told us (Myers) we could leave. We had collected a lady that lives on the Citrus Farm along the way from Siteki (she was visiting her mother). When we were excused to leave she told me that the pastor was fussing at his congregation for not attending the Christmas Day services scheduled. Evidently no one attended and he felt he needed to explain that it was more important to worship and celebrate our Lord’s birthday on Christmas Day than fix our fancy food. He was still explaining this to the people when we drove away.

Tonight, the Vuvulane, Mafucula and Luwhhawhhaweni Baptist Churches will gather for New Year’s Services at Mafucula. A portion of the Jesus film will be shown as well as Pastor Nkosingiphile Dlamini (from the Shiselweni region) bringing the message and plenty of fellowship and singing. Pray this time will continue to promote unity and fellowship among our three churches in this area. Pray we will see the new year arrive together with hopes of reaping a great harvest of lost souls in 2011.

--The executive committee of the Baptist Convention of Swaziland meets on Saturday the 8th of January in Manzini. Planning has begun for the 2011 National Easter Services. Pray for the committee as they plan for this very important event.

--January 13th, is the scheduled training for teachers of the Swazi Baptist churches’ preschools at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church. In the last few years due to government regulations a few of our preschools have ceased to function. But, I am happy to say there are six preschools, Phuzumoya, Vovovo, Big Bend, Peace, Manzini and Velebantfu. Pray these schools will offer the best preschool education to the children attending. Pray the teachers will find this training very helpful.

--January 16, True Love Waits International consultant, Kym Pennington is scheduled to arrive in Swaziland (January 16-27). While in the country she will meet with trained True Love Waits presenters, discuss plans for TLW ministry with pastors and begin her ministry with the Swazi people. With the AIDS pandemic continuing to devastate the country of Swaziland, pray leaders will rise up and stand strong in sharing the message of purity. Pray Kym’s visit to Swaziland will be the beginning of a wonderful ministry.

The rains have been good throughout Swaziland thus far. Pray the rains will not stop just when crops and gardens need it the most as usually is the case. Pray the rains will continue until April and May and there will be enough water to fill the streams and rivers and food for all Swazis.

Lisa Warren requests prayer for her father Lloyd Claiborne. He was admitted to the hospital Sunday after Christmas due to dehydration diagnosed to be from twisted intestines that will require surgery. He may also have problems with his heart. Pray for wisdom for the doctors to offer the best treatment for his medical condition. Pray for Lisa and her family as they wait to hear the doctors’ conclusions and plan of treatment.

GOD GRANT US HOPE AND FAITH AND LOVE HOPE for a world grown cynically cold,
Hungry for power and greedy for gold… FAITH to believe when within and without
There’s nameless fear in a world of doubt… LOVE that is bigger than race or creed,
To cover the world and fulfill each need… God, grant these gifts to all trouble hearts
As the old year ends and a new year starts.
--Helen Steiner Rice

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!