Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year from Swaziland

Happy New Year from Swaziland!

Whew....cannot believe that we are already into yet another year. Time just flew by last year for our family. We pray everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a blessed year ahead.

- Todd and Deborah Hoskins, our newest personnel, have moved down to their new flat (apartment) in Manzini over the weekend. We miss not having them next door but know this is where God has them for their time of ministry in Swaziland. Continue to pray for them as they are in the midst of yet another transition.

- Steve had the opportunity to lead someone to Christ while waiting in lines at one of our government offices last week...praise the Lord!

- We also were able to assist in leading two people to Christ at Bethel Baptist a few weeks ago during their morning service. God is at work in Swaziland and pray we continue to keep our eyes open every day for people that desperately need to know Jesus.

- Thank you for everyone that generously gave to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering this past holiday season!!! Because of YOUR sacrificial giving, we are able to continue with the ministry God has called our family to Swaziland.

- Several of our churches gathered in different locations for New Year's weekend services. Praise God for their faithfulness and may these services encourage them all in their walks with the Lord.- Our family was able to participate with a few churches with their Christmas celebrations/lunches. It was a special blessing to us all.

- Lacie was able to participate in a children's Christmas program at a church in town and that was a rare but special treat for her.

- Our family had a nice Christmas with our team leaders, Wayne and Barbara Myers, at our house. We have also gotten with other missionary friends over the holidays for fellowship and fun.

Prayer Requests:
- Steve plans to a prayer drive within the next two weeks in preparation of a new work area. This has been a prayer concern for a bit but something has stopped us from being able to do this each time.

- We have three volunteer teams coming to serve with us in 2011. We are looking forward to their time with our family and the Swazi people. Pray for all the logistics on our side, ministry that God wants for these teams and the finances/spiritual preparation for each team in the USA.
***If anyone else is interested in coming to serve with us, let us know! We have a big need for a volunteer team to come serve at our National Youth Camp in late August.

- Our True Love Waits consultant, Kym Pennington, is coming to Swaziland, January 15-27. Kym is a former journeyman with our company to Malawi. Pray for Kym's time with our Swazis and our mission team. We know many need to hear AND live out the TLW message!

- Lacie starts grade 1 on January 17 and Nathan starts preschool two days a week on January 19. Pray for them as they begin new schools. May God protect them, provide special friends and opportunities for us as a family to reach out as a shining light for Jesus.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support!!!!
May God continue to richly bless all your lives!

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