Saturday, January 8, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Standing in a hot and crowded class room hoping the fresh air would soon begin flowing from the front door we all clapped our hands and sang siSwati songs to welcome in 2011 (Friday Dec. 31st). Members from the three churches, Vuvulane, Mafacula and Luwhhawhhaweni gathered at the Mafacula Secondary School to worship and fellowship together. A portion of the “Jesus” film was shown and Pastor Nkosingiphile Dlamini brought the sermon. Choirs sang and even though it was hot and muggy (with all the humanity in one small room) it was a very nice service. The only thing that was a great hindrance to our spirit of worship was the many many bugs flying around and landing in our hair, on our arms and all over our bodies. Some of the bugs were small, some were big and some were even bigger!! At one point in the service I thought if one more bug hits me in the head I am going to scream!! But I overcame my compulsion to show my emotion and praised the Lord for His blessings and for the ministry with the people of Swaziland. Please pray in 2011 many Swazis will truly understand who Jesus is and follow Him completely putting aside traditions that conflict with the Christian way of life.

--Today the executive committee of the Baptist Convention of Swaziland is meeting to continue planning the 2011 National Easter Servces (April 21-24). Pray for this committee as they plan this very important event.

--The rains continue to be good throughout Swaziland. Please continue praying the rains will not stop just when the crops and gardens need it the most. Pray the rains will continue until April or May and there will be enough water to fill the streams and rivers and food for all Swazis.

--January 13th, is the scheduled training for teachers of the Swazi Baptist churches’ preschools at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church. I am happy to say there are six preschools, Phuzumoya, Vovovo, Big Bend, Manzini, Peace and Velebantfu. Pray these schools will offer the best preschool education to the children attending. Pray the teachers will find this training very helpful.

-January 15th the Shiselweni Baptist Association will meet at the Velebantfu Baptist Church. Pray for a good representation from the churches in the Shiselweni region. Pray for unity that will develop a strong Baptist association.

--January 15-27, Kym Pennington, True Love Waits International consultant will be in Swaziland. While in the country she will meet with trained True Love Waits presenters, discuss future plans for TLW ministry with pastors and Swazi Team members and begin her ministry with the Swazi people. With the AIDS pandemic continuing to devastate the country of Swaziland, pray leaders will rise up and stand strong in sharing the message of purity. Pray for Kym’s visit to Swaziland to be the beginning of a wonderful ministry.

The Allen family will take a holiday January 11-12 to the Kruger National Game Reserve. Pray this will be a fun time for Lacie and Nathan. Pray they will see many animals and other interesting things.

AIDS UPDATE:Wayne received a phone call this week and learned there are 100 BGR buckets for the Swazi Team. We are so thankful for these buckets that will help AIDS victims have dignity and hope and give them an opportunity to see and hear God’s love for them. Pray we will soon receive the 100 buckets. Pray for the Lord’s guidance as the Team begins ministering to the many hurting victims of AIDS and their families.If your church is interested in helping pack a BGR bucket, contact this website Your help is much needed and will be much appreciated!!

-January 10-15: Stateside Assignment Conference for 220 missionary adults and 134 MKs (missionary kids). May the Lord’s blessings be upon them as they travel, worship, debrief, learn and fellowship together.
--Please continue to pray for the IMB’s Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.

--August 28, 1993 Wayne and I arrived in Swaziland to begin a journey of ministry with the Swazi people. Over the years our lives have been enriched not only by the fruits of labors but by your faithful prayer support and giving. Thank you for your sacrificial giving to the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

UPDATE ON LISA WARREN’S FATHER: Lisa’s father, Lloyd Claiborne underwent a heart catheterization Friday December 31st and it revealed a strong heart muscle but 4 major blockages that can only be treated with heart medications. Due to his stroke (2008) and current health condition, he is not a candidate for bypass surgery. Please remember Lisa and her parents. Pray for strength and comfort as they move through the days ahead. Pray the Lord’s guiding hand will guide their every step.

We had a visitor this week on our back porch. It was not Mr. Snake but Mr. Crab!! We live next to a swampy area and so I guess he was wandering around and decided to stop by. We didn’t know what to think of each other as I returned from hanging clothes on the clothes line and spotted him at the back door. His pinchers were braced for battle. I tried to calm him down and assure him I would not disturb his time of resting and if it was all the same to him, I think I’ll go in the front door. He eventually continued his journey. We occasionally see these crabs (not for eating according to the Swazis) in our yard and around our gate. We also have a troop of monkeys (vervet monkeys, black face and gray body and much smaller than chimps) that visit us on a regular basis. The other day I heard something and when I went to investigate found a monkey or monkeys looking in our windows. As soon as they saw me they jumped down and scurried across the yard. I love to watch them, especially the young ones play. Since they have eaten all they wanted from our garden (corn, beans, peppers, tomatoes) they content themselves with jumping from tree to tree and sitting on the fence. I talk to them occasionally too. They don’t know what to think of me, either. When I talk they just stare and if I move they run away.

Thank you for your prayer support!!!

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