Sunday, January 16, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Prayer is the expression of a human heart in conversation with God. The more natural the prayer, the more real he becomes. It has all been simplified for me to this extent. Prayer is a dialogue between two persons who love each other. –Rosalind Rinker

While it is winter in the good old USA it is summer in Swaziland. We know of the cold and snow that has attacked the southeast section and do hope you are able to keep warm and happy!! Right now in Tshaneni it is a muggy summer day, just like summer in Kentucky. Wayne is on his way to the Shiselweni region to attend the Shiselweni Baptist Convention tomorrow (Sat. 15th) at the Velebantfu Baptist Church. The association is in the process of regrouping and meeting on a regular basis under the leadership of Pastor Nkosingiphile Dlamini. We are thankful for the strong leadership he provides and ask that you pray for this association as they reorganize and meet regularly. Pray the meeting tomorrow will be conducted in the spirit of unity and much will be accomplished for the Kingdom of God.

--The training for the teachers of the Swazi Baptist churches’ preschools was conducted at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church on the 13th of January. There are six Swazi Baptist preschools organized for the 2011 school year. Five of those churches were represented. Supplies were given as well as training on the use of the teaching aids. Pray these teachers will commit to provide the best preschool education for the children attending and this will be a great year for everyone.

Monday (17th) starts a new school year and experience for Lacie Allen as she enters 1st grade at the Sifundzane Primary School in Mbabane. Pray Lacie will adjust well and will enjoy her new school. Nathan Allen will attend preschool two mornings a week (Monday and Wednesday) beginning Wednesday the 19th. Pray Nathan will do well and adjust to the structure of school.

AIDS UPDATE: Saturday (15th) the True Love Waits International consultant, Kym Pennington arrives in Swaziland. Kym will spend Saturday night with the Hoskins in Manzini. Sunday she will make her way to Tshaneni and be with us until Friday the 21st. From the 21st until her departure on the 27th, she will work and visit with the Allens. Kym will be introduced to pastors and trained TLW presenters as well as explaining the ministry of True Love Waits to Swazi Baptist church groups. Pray this time will help Kym have a strong beginning with the True Love Waits ministry in Swaziland. Pray leaders will be developed to faithfully share the message of purity in schools, churches and with friends and family members.

FAMILY PRAYER CONCERNS: JC (my great nephew) update: JC had the scope done yesterday but they found nothing. They are inserting a feeding tube so he can get some nourishment until they find out the cause of the problem. His enzymes are still elevated but everything else is showing up clear. They have several theories but nothing concrete about what is wrong. One is that the anxiety when he started back to school started it and now his body thinks it is suppose to purge every time something hits the stomach. One of the reasons for inserting the feeding tube is to give the stomach time to readjust. Another theory is that the Triliptal for seizures has caused the elevated enzymes--thus the reason for changing his seizure medication. But this has to be done gradual in order not to throw him into a seizure. Please pray JC will soon be eating and feeling better and able to leave the hospital. Pray for complete healing!!

--Please continue to pray for Wayne’s siblings, Terry, Patsy and Patsy’s husband and Lynda who are dealing with health issues. Pray for the for the Lord’s healing touch.

--Friday while at Luwhhawhhaweni for his Friday afternoon Bible study, Wayne was given another look at the culture that controls the lives of so many Swazis. The older lady in the group was sharing that the man she lived with for 35 years (is deceased) was not her husband since they were not legally married and she does not carry his surname. His family was concerned that the ancestors would be very angry with her and the family if she tries to be buried in her “husband’s” family plot and not have his surname. The family was encouraging her to marry her son so she would have the name and could be buried in the family plot and everyone (including the ancestors) would be happy. She asked Wayne if this was okay. L Being a new Christian and unsure of so many things concerning her faith, this lady (like so many other Swazis) struggles to do what is right in a society that is controlled by appeasing the ancestors and adhering to many cultural practices that are totally unchristian. Pray Swazi Christians will understand the customs and traditions that are a normal part of life are not always acceptable to the Lord and why they are not acceptable. Pray many will study and learn about the Lord and His ways.

-January 17-21: Strategy Logistics Associates and Office of Global Logistics Support Meeting. May the Lord’s blessings be upon them as they travel, worship, debrief, learn and fellowship together.

--January 19: Executive Forum. May our Father’s hand of leadership be upon our interim president, Clyde Meador, and his team during this important administrative/strategy meeting.

--January 22: Medical Missions Day (conference) hosted by Willowbrook Baptist Church, Huntsville, Ala. Pray for the conferees as they learn about new, effective health strategies; become better equipped for short-term medical missions; hear about Southern Baptist medical missions that cover the globe; discover service opportunities; and network with other like-minded healthcare professions.

--Please continue to pray for the IMB’s Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.

Thank you for your sacrificial giving to the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

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