Saturday, January 22, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

Life has a way of making us laugh even while doing the mundane. Since moving to Tshaneni, Wayne has experienced difficulty accessing and sending his messages. In fact he has to travel down the road a ways, park his vehicle and do his emailing. At various times the Tshaneni police have stopped at his vehicle to see if everything was okay. Even at a roadblock (random check of road worthiness of Swazi vehicles), one of the policeman asked Wayne why was he always parked in the forest (it is shady and cool). Wayne explained about his email situation. The policeman went on to say, “But in the forest? There are pirates in the forest. You need to park somewhere else!!” The other day while Wayne was doing his daily emailing, a Tshaneni police car pulled in behind him. The police proceeded to get out of his vehicle and approached Wayne. They chatted a little and then the policemen showed Wayne his new laptop computer that he had received for Christmas. Then he asked Wayne, “Could you show me how to get on the internet?” Wayne said, “Sure!” The policeman got into our vehicle and for the next few minutes Wayne showed him how to get on the internet.

Speaking of computers…my computer has been in the shop since October due to a faulty graphics card. I have continued to use Wayne’s old Dell laptop. BUT, I really need my computer. Please pray the computer shop will open (closed for holidays at least I hope the office is just closed for the holidays L) soon and Wayne will be able to get the information needed to order a new graphics card. Pray I will soon be reunited with my computer!!

--We had a wonderful week with Kym Pennington, (True Love Waits International consultant) here in Tshaneni (January 16-21). Kym was able to meet all the missionaries on the Swazi Team, become acquainted with pastors and Swazis interested in helping with the TLW ministry and make plans to return and conduct 3-day True Love Waits trainings. Kym’s return dates are May 16-30 and October 16-30. Pray for the beginning of a very strong True Love Waits program in Swaziland with presenters committed to the message as well as TLW ministry. Kym is presently ministering with the Allens until the 27th of January. Kym is also getting married June 18th!! Pray for Kym as she begins a new chapter in her life!

AIDS UPDATE:We have asked prayer many times for Swazi Christians to be faithful to the teachings of the Bible especially with regard to God’s plan for marriage and Christian living. With sadness in our hearts we continue hear of those who fall prey to a culture and the desires of the flesh. Last week we heard of one of our youth who had been trained to present the True Love Waits message and was a gifted children’s teacher (helping with the children camps) was now pregnant and not married. What a disappointment and also a great concern of contacting HIV/AIDS. Even though Swaziland is being devastated by the AIDS pandemic, the population lives as though there was no AIDS. Pray that the message of abstinence, and most especially the power of Jesus Christ behind the message, will permeate the hearts of the Swazi people.

--The Shiselweni Baptist Association met on the 15th of January. The Association’s next scheduled meeting is March 19th. Pray for this association as it organizes and meets on a regularly. Pray the meetings will be conducted in the spirit of unity and much will be accomplished for the Kingdom of God. February 21-March 3 a volunteer team from the Atlantic Association in North Carolina will minister in the Shiselweni region of Swaziland. All six of the team members have been in Swaziland before on a volunteer team and most have been several times!! Plans include an overnight ladies’ retreat at the Thunzini Baptist Church, a weekend youth retreat at the Mgamudze Baptist Church and homestead visitation/Bible studies. We are thankful for this group of volunteers giving of their time to help evangelize and disciple Swazis. Pray for this team as planning continues for their trip to Swaziland. Pray for Wayne and I as we prepare for the team’s arrival and ministry.

--JC went back to the Dr. He says metabolically everything is where it should be. They will check the enzymes next Friday and we will know more. They are still trying to get all of his meds regulated so he does not sleep so much. He is beginning to get some color back in his cheeks and he is beginning to get a little more lively. So hopefully we are on the right track. It is just going to be a very slow process to rebuild his digestive system. Please pray for JC’s continued healing and his enzymes will return to normal.

--My mother’s sister, (Aldean Maples-86 years old) fell and broke her hip and arm. Before the broken bones can be set, she will have to be gotten off her blood thinner meds. They have her in some kind of air cast until they get her off the blood thinner. Once they get the broken bones set they will be moving her into a nursing home in Jeffersonville (Ind.) Please pray the bones will be set and Aunt Aldean will heal from this injury. Pray for a speedy recovery.

--Please continue to pray for Wayne’s siblings; Terry currently in remission from stage 4 cancer, Patsy suffering from COPD and Lynda dealing with various health issues as well as Patsy’s husband Jim. Pray the Lord will wrap His arms around this family.

PRAY REQUESTS FROM THE IMB OFFICE OF GLOBAL PRAYER STRATEGY:-January 24-March 23: Field Personnel Orientation. The first field orientation of the year will bring together 98 adult missionaries and 38 MKs (missionary kids) for approximately eight weeks in order to equip them for overseas ministry and living. Please pray daily for them, as well as for the administrative and teaching staff.-January 24-26: Iniciativa 21. There are more than 30,000 Hispanic churches in the United States. For over a decade, Christians have ministered to the unreached overseas. In the last two or three years, the call has expanded to bless the nations that are around us in the U.S. In this conference, speakers will share information about people groups and how to reach them in this country and around the world. This conference will be conducted in Spanish. Oh, that God would call out more and more Hispanic churches and individuals to be His laborers in His harvest fields!

--Please continue to pray for the IMB’s Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.

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