Saturday, January 29, 2011

February Prayer Calendar

The Swazi Team

Tuesday February 1: The Allens’ crate from the states should arrive the first of February in South Africa. Pray they will have no difficulties getting their crate from South Africa and into Swaziland.

Wednesday February 2: Kym Pennington, True Love Waits International consultant, spent two weeks in Swaziland January 15-27. She was able to meet all the missionaries on the Swazi Team and become acquainted with pastors, True Love Waits presenters, adults and youth interested in helping with the True Love Waits ministry and make plans to return to Swaziland to conduct 3-day True Love Wait training (May 16-30 and October 16-30). Kym will also be getting married on the 18th of June!! Pray for Kym as she begins a new chapter in her life with her marriage. Pray for the beginning of a very strong True Love Waits program in Swaziland with presenters committed to the TLW message as well as TLW ministry in their country.

Thursday February 3: During a Bible study at Luwhhawhhaweni, an older lady of the group shared that the man she lived with for 35 years was not her husband since they had not been legally married and she did not carry his surname. His family was concerned that the ancestors would be very angry with her and the family if she tries to be buried in her “husband’s” plot and not have his surname. The family was encouraging her to marry her son so she would have the name and could be buried in the family plot and everyone (including the ancestors) would be happy. She asked the leader of the Bible study if this would be okay. Being a new Christian and unsure of so many things concerning her faith, this lady (like so many Swazis) struggles to do what is right in a society that is controlled by appeasing the ancestors and adhering to many culture practices that are unchristian. Pray Swazi Christians will understand the customs and traditions that are a normal part of life are not always acceptable to the Lord. Pray they will study more and learn about the Lord and His ways.

Friday February 4: January 13, training for teachers of the Swazi Baptist churches preschools was conducted at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church. Five preschools were represented. Supplies were given as well as training on the use of the teaching aids. Pray these teachers will commit to provide the best preschool education for the children attending and this will be a great year for everyone.

Saturday February 5: Today the executive committee of the Swaziland Baptist Convention meets to continue the planning of the 2011 Good Friday/ Resurrection (Easter) Services April 21-24. Pray for the members of this committee as they actively plan this very important event. The venue needs to be finalized soon. May the Lord be glorified in all the planning.

Sunday February 6: Pray for Todd and Deborah Hoskins as they seek God’s leading concerning support and involvement in a Swazi Baptist church in the Manzini area. Pray they will continue to adjust to living in Swaziland.

Monday February 7: Praise the Lord for the lady Steven Allen met while waiting in lines at the government office for over 8 hours one day that accepted the Lord! No fun waiting in lines but how exciting to know God had Steve where he wanted Him to be and a life forever changed.--Pray for several other folks that have recently accepted Jesus into their lives!! Pray each will grow in his/her walk with the Lord and will stay involved in a local church.

Tuesday February 8: There are very few children attending the Vuvalane Baptist Church. Some live with their grandmothers who faithfully attend but do not encourage or help the young ones dress each Sunday morning. Children’s Sunday School class was begun in January. Pray soon the Vuvulane Baptist Church will have a strong children’s program that will ensure a strong future for this struggling church. Pray for the youth/children outreach event planned for March 13 (9:00-3:00). Pray many will come and a “new beginning” will start for the Vuvulane Baptist Church.

Wednesday February 9: Pray for Monica Allen today on her birthday!!
Continue to pray for the Allen family as they seek to balance family and ministry. Now that Lacie and Nathan are in school, pray Steve and Monica will use their time wisely and look for opportunities to minister to folks everyday.

Thursday February 10: Praise the Lord Lacie and Nathan Allen are loving their new schools and starting this new school year well. Continue to pray for a great school year, their teachers, great friends and opportunities to share the love of Jesus with those around them.

Friday February 11: The rains continue to be good throughout Swaziland. Unfortunately abundance of rain in some parts of the country has damaged crops. Pray families affected by the large amounts of rain will be able to receive supplements to their food supplies. Pray many Swazis will have wonderful crops and gardens this year!!

Saturday February 12: Please continue to pray for members of the IMB Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.--Thank you for contributing to the 2010 Lottie Moon Christmas offering. Members of the Swazi Team have been enriched, not only by the fruits of labors but by your faithful prayer support and giving.

Sunday February 13: Sunday January 23, missionary Wayne Myers was blessed when on short notice was asked to preach and lead the worship services at the Luwhhawhhaweni Baptist Church. As usual Wayne arrived at the small house that hosts this congregation to a few but by the time the services ended the room was full and 5 people committed to follow Jesus Christ. We are thankful for this wonderful blessing. Please pray this small church will be a strong witness to a community that is in bondage to unchristian Swazi traditions and culture.

Monday February 14: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!
Pray for the controversy and conflicts at the Victory Baptist Church due to leadership by one person. It is causing members of the congregation to leave the church. Pray for the Allens as they seek the Lord’s direction with this sticky situation.

Tuesday February 15: The Swazi Team has asked prayer many times for Swazi Christians to be faithful to the teachings of the Bible especially with regard to God’s plan for marriage and Christian living. With sadness in our hearts we continue hear of those who fall prey to culture and the desires of the flesh. One of the youth trained to present the True Love Waits message and a gifted children’s Sunday School teacher is now pregnant and not married. What a disappointment and also a great concern of contacting HIV/AIDS. Even though Swaziland is being devastated by the AIDS pandemic, the population lives as though there is no AIDS. Pray the message of abstinence, and most especially the power of Jesus Christ behind the message, will permeate the hearts of the Swazi people.

Wednesday February 16: Pray for the new ladies’ disciple group that began on the 19th of January (meets every Wednesday) at the Peace Baptist Church. Over the next several weeks their study will be on 1 Corinthians. May this time be an encouragement to these ladies as they continue to faithfully serve each Sunday without consistent pastoral leadership.

Thursday February 17: 1Timothy 2:1-2 commands us to pray for kings and those in authority. Please pray the King of Swaziland, his wives and children will come to understand what it means to be a Christian. Pray their lives will show the love of Christ.

Friday February 18: In Manzini a Muslim mosque is nestled amidst businesses and schools. The structure draws attention to those that pass by and is another indication of the rapid growth of the Muslim faith in Swaziland. Pray Christians will continue to see the urgency to witness to their loss friends and neighbors. May the spread of Islam be halted throughout Swaziland.

Saturday February 19: Today is Phil Hoskins (Todd’s father) birthday. Pray he will have a great day!!--Please pray for Deborah Hoskins and family who lost two great-uncles in January. Pray for peace and comfort during this time of loss.

Sunday February 20: The Shiselweni Baptist Association met on the 15th of January. Their next scheduled meeting is March 19th. Pray for this association as it meets regularly. Pray the meetings will be conducted in the spirit of unity and much will be accomplished for the Kingdom of God.

Monday February 21: “I plan to return every year as long as I can!” These words were spoken by a volunteer team member who ministered in Swaziland in 2010. The Swazi Team is so thankful for volunteers who give of their time to help evangelize and disciple Swazis. February 21-March 3, a volunteer team from the Atlantic Association in North Carolina will minister in the Shiselweni region. Plans include an overnight ladies’ retreat, weekend youth retreat and homestead visitation and Bible studies. Pray the ministry of this team will touch many Swazi hearts. Pray the sharing of spiritual fruit will reap great rewards.

Tuesday February 22: Pray for the young (unsaved) man Steven Allen recently met on the way home from Lesibovu who is seeking to learn more about God. He has shown a desire to attend the weekly Bible study at Lesibovu that meets on Saturdays. Pray this young man will see the need to be in church with God’s people studying God’s Word.

Wednesday February 23: The Swazi Team received confirmation of 100 BGR buckets for AIDS ministry in Swaziland. We are so thankful for the buckets that will help AIDS victims have dignity and hope and give them an opportunity to see and hear God’s love for them. Pray the Team will soon receive the buckets. Pray for the Lord’s guidance as the Team begins ministering to the many hurting victims of AIDS and their families.If your church is interested in helping pack a BGR bucket, contact this website Your help is much needed and will be much appreciated!!

Thursday February 24: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN UNENGAGED PEOPLES: Within the desert country of Botswana, the following six people groups--the Lozi, the Mbukushu, the Ndebele, the Pedi, the Shona and the Yeye—have two things in common. First, they are relatively small, all with a population between 10,000 to 23,000. Second, each of these people groups is “unengaged,” which means that no national church, IMB missionary, or SBC volunteer team is specifically taking the Gospel to them. Please pray these six small people groups within Botswana will hear of the Lord’s plan for their lives. Pray someone will take the Gospel to them.

Friday February 25: On the 20th of March the Velebantfu Baptist Church will conduct a special licensing service for their pastor Lizwe Nsibandze. Pastor Nsibandze has led this church for many years and is a strong leader and committed Christian. Pray for the planning of this very special service. Pray the members of the Velebantfu Baptist Church will continue to support their pastor as he leads the congregation.

Saturday February 26: Pray for the volunteer team from Clear Creek Bible College in Pineville, Ky., serving with the Allens in March. The group will lead revival services, homestead visitations and Bible studies in two specific areas of ministry. Pray for the team’s preparations and for each team member to desire to accept all the Lord has planned for them.

Sunday February 27: It is the desire of many of our Swazi Baptist pastors and leaders to be trained in the work in which the Lord has called them. Providing this training is a big undertaking that will help strengthen our Swazi Baptist pastors/leaders and churches. The first Rural Bible Training School for 2011is scheduled for May 10-13 and the second school is September 20-23. Pray for the Swazi Team as logistics and curriculum are planned. Pray the participants will come with a heart to learn and be trained. Pray wonderful blessings will touch the heart of each participant.

Monday February 28: March 30-April 4, 2011 is the scheduled Cluster Strategy Meeting at the Birchwood Conference Center in Johannesburg, South Africa. The First Baptist Church of Orlando will provide volunteers to work with the missionary children (MK-missionary kids) program and lead in the worship services. Your missionaries on the Swazi Team will attend this meeting. Pray for the continued preparations/logistics for this meeting. Pray for spiritual preparedness for the missionaries attending, the volunteer ministering and the leadership leading.

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