Friday, February 25, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

When planning an event one usually has a mental picture of how everything will take place. After living in Africa for a number of years I still find myself pleasantly surprised with the response of women, youth and children to the activities in which they are involved. Our theme for the ladies’ retreat was Women of the Bible. We studied three women Jochebed (Moses’ mother), Anna and the Widow with the Two Coins. After each story the ladies were organized into three groups and discussed a series of questions that dealt with how the story applied to their lives. Before our time of study we had a time of singing and testifying (which the ladies loved). The ideal of keeping a daily prayer journal was also introduced. Thursday morning during the devotion time, Lydia (volunteer) helped the ladies with thoughts and prayer needs that could be written in their journal. Each lady was giving a notebook and spent time writing and praying for the requests they wrote in their journals. But the activity that had the biggest response from the ladies was the “salvation bracelets”. If you are not familiar with these, they are basically bracelets that are made with string that holds 5 beads and each bead represents a fact that helps one witness to another person. To help them know what to do, two of the volunteers (Judi and Janice) role played a situation using the bracelets followed by two Swazi ladies doing the same. In my mind, I thought the ladies would choose a partner, stay seated, face each other and practice using the salvation bracelets. But when it was time for the ladies to grab a partner and start practicing several stood up with their partners and wanted to come forward and practice in front of the group. I must confess this rather surprised me. But for the next 30-45 minutes most of the ladies of the group took turns coming forward and practicing a witnessing situation. What a spiritual experience. Whether participating or just sitting in the audience, everyone was truly blessed. There was much laughter and many Amens!! Our retreat began on Wednesday at 4:00 and ended on Thursday at 1:00pm but we all agreed it needed to be longer!!! Pray these ladies will understand the importance of a quiet time (prayer journal) and the need to witness to their loss friends and family. Pray a great harvest will be reaped for the Lord!!

--The Shiselweni Youth Retreat begins this afternoon around 4:00pm. Pray for a safe journey to the Oslo School (Mgamudze) for the youth. Pray for members of the volunteer team leading sessions. The retreat ends on Sunday after worship.

--A children’s Bible study at the Mgmudze Baptist Church from 9:00-3:00 will also be conducted on Saturday (26th). Pray for a wonderful time of fun, fellowship and spiritual instruction!!

--The volunteer team leaves the Shiselweni region on Monday. Tuesday we (Myers and volunteer team) will leave for a time of debriefing and relaxation at the Kruger National Game Reserve in South Africa. We will return to Jo’burg on Thursday the 3rd of March. Pray the team’s return trip to the states will be uneventful. Pray their hearts will be full and overflowing with God’s wonderful blessing. Wayne and I will return to Tshaneni on the Friday the 4th of March.

---Saturday March 5th is the meeting of the Swaziland Baptist Convention. Planning continues for the National Easter Services. Pray for a good representation from the churches. Pray planning will continue with a spirit of unity and a sense of accomplishment.--Next month (April 21-24) the National Easter Services will meet in Manzini. This yearly special event begins the day before Good Friday and ends on Easter Sunday with approximately 200 people attending. Pray this year’s services will have a spiritual foundation and will reflect the true Resurrection story. Pray those attending will seek the Lord’s direction and guidance in their thoughts and beliefs.

--During the month of March a Bible study is to begin in the community of Macethuka. This community is approximately 5 kilometers from the Vuvulane Baptist Church and it is very difficult for families with small children to walk the distance. They requested someone to come to their community and begin a Bible study. Members of the Vuvulane Baptist Church and their pastor (Pastor Mavuso) will go every other Wednesday night to this community for a time of worship. We praise the Lord for Swazis who desire to learn about Jesus and grow in His Word. Pray this Bible study will reach many in this small community for the Lord. Pray one day a Swazi Baptist church with a strong Christian pastor will be a lighthouse in the darkness.

--Douglas Mavuso’s mother is improving from her stroke. Pray Douglas’ mother will continue to improve and have a good recovery.

--Please continue to pray for JC’s recovery from pancreatitis.

--Pray for Wayne’s brother Terry (stage 4 cancer in remission), sister Patsy with COPD and her Jim and sister Lynda dealing with various health issues.

-March 16th IMB Presidential Search Committee of the Board of Trustees will present their candidate selection for the Board’s new president. Please pray for this very important meeting. Pray for the committee as they present their candidate and as the voting takes place.

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