Monday, March 19, 2012

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

--We enjoyed a wonderful day of worship last Sunday (December 18) at the Maphangwane Baptist Church.  The service began with Sunday School for all ages.  Afterwards everyone returned to the main building and by the time everything and everyone was in place the building was packed.  A  10-member volunteer team from four Baptist churches in Durban, South Africa spent the week visiting homesteads and spending time with the people of the community.  Wayne preached on the topic of “What Makes A Strong Church” and after the sermon the congregation went outside and gathered around the portable baptistery for the baptismal of 10 new believers.  After the baptism the adults and youth returned to the building and the Lord’s Supper was observed.  We left the house at 9:00 and arrived back at 4:00pm.  Even though it was a little warm and a little long, it was still a wonderful service.  Please pray those who committed their lives to the Lord will be faithful in following His ways.

--The scheduled Executive Committee of the Baptist Convention of Swaziland did not meet last Saturday. The next meeting is January 7, 2012.  Please begin now praying for this meeting. Pray the convention and missionaries will try to work together and the executive committee will learn to conduct business as Baptists. Pray the Lord will be glorified in everything that is said and done.

--Please pray for rain throughout the country of Swaziland.  The rains have not been strong this year and the country of Swaziland may be facing a drought and  food shortage if the frequent rains do not begin.  Our grass is brown (usually green at this time) and our last rain fall was a week and a half ago.  Usually rains are weekly if not daily during the month of December.

---The revival services last week at the Zikotheni Baptist Church were well attended.  Please pray for this church that meets on the Vilane homestead at Zikotheni.  The church has experienced problems with pastoral leadership.  Currently Pastors Nkosingiphile Dlamani (Thunzini Baptist) and Patrick Gamedze (Nhlangano Baptist) are taking turns in leading Sunday worship.  A young man of the church also helps when needed. 

PRAISE:  Several years ago Nathi Vilane  (Zikotheni Baptist Church) came to know Jesus as His Savior while attending the Nhlangano Baptist Church.  At the time Nathi was living with Fikile (not married) and they had two sons together.  Fikile accepted the Lord also at Nhlangano and was baptized.  Both desire a relationship that is acceptable to the Lord.  Friday Nathi told Wayne he and Fikile (with the approval of both families) desire and are ready to have a Christian wedding.  Please pray a date can soon be reached for this special event.  Because of the high price of libola (bride price) as well as other issues, many Swazi are not legally married but continue living together and producing children. Pray as many come to know Jesus as their Lord,  they will understand what God expects of the marriage relationship.

--The Ntuthukwazi Baptist Church has requested a date for a baptism service in January.  Pray a date can be set by Wayne and the church.  The churches look to the missionary to help with their baptismal services.  Most churches do not have a way of baptizing.  The missionary usually brings a portable baptistery and in some case two big barrels of water so the baptismal service can take place.  J

MERRY CHRISTMAS  December 25, 2011
Pray the Swazi people will understand the significance of the Christmas Story.  For so many Swazi Christmas is a time of eating special foods and having everyone at home.  Swazis may know the story of the birth of Christ but do not understand the importance of that event to their lives.  Pray the Christmas story will touch many Swazi hearts this Christmas season.  May they truly understand the words, “Joy to the World, the Lord is Come.”

--Pray for the Swazi Team as we join together in Tshaneni December 26 to celebrate Christmas. J

--December 29-January 9, Deborah Hoskins’ family will be visiting.  Pray as the family prepares to make the long journey to Swaziland.  Pray for a wonderful time of ministry and fellowship for the Yawn Family.

April 20, 1993 the Myers were commissioned as missionaries of the Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board) to the country of Swaziland.  Through the years we have depended upon the giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to provide for our day-to-day needs.  Without this offering, we would not be able to do the work the Lord has given us to do.  Thank You!!  It is wonderful to know Southern Baptist churches in the USA support and give sacrificially to the LMCO.  Thank you for this wonderful Christmas gift.

It matters not who or what you are,
All men can behold the Christmas Star.
For the Star that shone is shining still
In the hearts of men of peace and goodwill.
--Helen Steiner Rice

Wishing you a very Happy and Merry Christmas!!

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