Monday, July 26, 2010

August Prayer Calendar

Sunday August 1: Pray for Sarah Warren today on her birthday!!
Pray the Allen family will soon receive their medical clearance so they can return to Swaziland as scheduled. They are down to their last few documents needed. Pray nothing will “pop” up in any test result that will delay their return to Swaziland. They plan to return to Swaziland on the 26th of September.

Monday August 2: Todd and Deborah Hoskins (2 year missionaries) began their orientation time at the International Learning Center on the 26th of July. Pray for Todd and Deborah as they continue to prepare for this time of training in preparation for their work and ministry in Swaziland. The Hoskins will arrive in Swaziland on the 7th of October and will work in Manzini as church planters and will also develop training schools throughout Swaziland.

Tuesday August 3: Pray Al and Belinda Jordans’ remaining time in Swaziland (end of September) will be devoid of unexpected surprises that hide the joy and blessings the Lord provides. Pray the last two months will be full of thanksgiving!

Wednesday August 4: Abiding in Christ was the theme of the Bible studies for the Swazi Baptist ladies (Lubumbo and Shiselweni regions) led by retired missionary June Mason June 29-July 1. Approximately 100 ladies and two pastors attended the three sessions. Please continue to pray the Swazi Baptist women will find true hope in following and depending upon the Lord. The National Swazi Baptist Ladies’ Retreat is scheduled for October 14-16. “I Will Cry Unto the Lord” is the theme. Please pray the Swazi Baptist Women will make preparations to attend this annual event.

Thursday August 5: Last month the Phuzumoya Baptist Church conducted a time of recognition for those called (Lubumbo region) to be a pastor or lay leader. Most of these men had at one time been members of the Phuzumoya Baptist Church or were influenced by the training provided by the church and Pastor Mandla Sigwane. Praise the Lord for these men faithfully serving the Lord. Pray each of these men will continue to be faithful to the Lord in service and commitment. Pray through these ministries many Swazis will come to know the Lord as their Savior and Lord.

Friday August 6: Continue to remember Wayne Myers’ sister suffering from COPD and on oxygen and for his brother with stage 4 cancer. Pray quarterly tests will continue to show his cancer in remission. Pray Barbara’s brother-in-law will continue to show signs of recovery from his herniated disc surgery and for her nephew-in-law’s mother diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Saturday August 7: The executive committee of the Swaziland Baptist Convention meets today. New officers were elected a few months ago and training was conducted in June. Continue to pray each will learn his or her new job description and commit to furthering Baptist work in Swaziland.

Sunday August 8: Continue to pray for Hawane and Lesibovu Baptist Churches as both congregations strive to reach their goals needed for the construction of their church structures. Pray weekly giving toward these projects will allow construction to soon begin.

Monday August 9: From the Jordans: “We have been saddened as we go to these little struggling churches that once were thriving. We look around and notice the leadership once there is now missing whether it is the pastor or other church leaders. Several of the churches are in desperate need of God called pastors. Please pray for God to work in the hearts of Godly men who would answer the call to be pastors.” Continue to pray for the leadership of our Baptist churches and for high integrity in their lives as they make decisions that affect their lives, families, churches and communities.

Tuesday August 10: Pray the strongholds that keep the King of Swaziland, his wives and children from accepting Jesus as their Savior will be broken. Pray each will have a chance to hear and understand what it means to be a Christian.

Wednesday August 11: After worship service at the Vuvulane Baptist Church, the congregation visited a lady who had just lost her daughter to “some sickness.” Upon arriving to the homestead, two small children fixed their eyes on the group as they walked to meet with the mother. Pray for this mother’s loss of her daughter and the small children left without a mother. Pray the Swazi people will understand their lifestyles are causing premature deaths and by living as our Savior showed us we don’t have to die.

Thursday August 12: One of the Swazi Baptist pastors voiced his concern over the Muslims recently receiving approval to eat KFC. KFC had to adhere to particular ways of preparing the chicken so Allah could be blessed. This has angered a few Swazis to the point they refuse to buy KFC. Pray more Christians in Swaziland will take a stand against the Muslim “invasion” of Swaziland and will seek to witness to their lost friends, family and neighbors.

Friday August 13: Continue to pray for Lacie Allen to do well on the entrance exam she will take to enroll in the Sifundzani Primary School (when she starts first grade in January) upon the Allens’ return to Swaziland the end of September.

Saturday August 14: What missionary worked for 40 years in China literally giving her life to her work? Lottie Moon, famous for her desperate appeal in 1888 for more missionaries (resulting in the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering). Funds were so scarce Lottie once spent 14 continuous years on the mission field. Thank you for giving to the 2009 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Pray for the faithfulness of Southern Baptist churches to give to the 2010 LMCO so missionaries can be sent to many lost and dying people and nations.

Sunday August 15: Pray for Deborah Hoskins today on her birthday.
The Hoskins will attend the on-field orientation 40/40 October 21-November 19 in Burkina Faso (West Africa). 40/40 is an intensive time of learning to live in Africa as well as develop relationships with the African people. Begin praying for Todd and Deborah’s preparation in this training and for many blessings to occur!!

Monday August 16: Today the North Lubumbo Children’s Camp begins at the Mafucula Primary School August 16-18. Theme: “Let’s Talk To God.” The agenda includes praying, stories on Christ, Daniel and Hannah, learning the books of the Bible, coloring, laughter and fun. This is the first camp in this area. Pray everything will go well for workers, teachers and campers. Pray lives will be touched and each Swazi Baptist church in the North Lubumbo region will desire to have a strong children’s program.

Tuesday August 17: Pray for revival, holy living, clear evangelical message proclaimed and great unity among Christian leaders. Pray also the stronghold of witchcraft and ancestor worship will be broken within the Swazi Baptist churches and nation.

Wednesday August 18: Today the Allen family is sharing with the Florida Gardens Baptist Church at their Wednesday evening service. Pray God will show them what to share about Swaziland and how God is working in and through the Swazi people. Continue to pray for times of speaking for the Allens and sharing in churches, Bible study groups and small groups about Swaziland over the next two months.

Thursday August 19: Please continue to pray for IMB’s Presidential Search Committee as they seek God’s man to lead our organization.

Friday August 20: Pray people will not be silent concerning the cause of AIDS and the need for Christ to help change lives. Pray people will have the courage to speak honestly about AIDS and why God wants our behavior to reflect His guidance.

Saturday August 21: The Allen family hopes to begin crating this month in preparation for their return to Swaziland next month. Pray for joys in their hearts as they look forward to all God has planned for their lives, family and ministry over the next couple of years serving with the Swazi people. Because of Lacie beginning first grade in 2011, the family may begin taking stateside assignments every two years.
Pray also for the family as they plan a holiday at the end of this month. Pray for rest, renewal, special memories for the children and great family time.

Sunday August 22: Pray those of the African Traditional Religion/Zionism will come to a true understanding of their need for a personal relationship with Jesus and will be able to separate themselves from the pagan practices of traditional religion.

Monday August 23: SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA UNENGAGED PEOPLES: The Khassonke of Mali population is approximately 170,000. Only .5 percent is Christian. Ask the Lord to send out laborers from among the Malian believers to go to uncomfortable places for the eternal comfort of these He is calling. Pray for the salvation of the Khassonke.

Tuesday August 24: Today is Polly Trice’s (Monica Allen’s mother) birthday and a special time for the Allen family to celebrate with mom/gogo (grandmother) Polly in person. Pray for this special day!!

Wednesday August 25: Pray for Kym Pennington, the new True Love Waits International consultant as she prepares to make her first trip to Swaziland this month during the National Youth Retreat. Pray this will be the beginning of a wonderful working relationship between Kym, the Swazis and the Swazi Team.

Thursday August 26: Please pray for the National Youth Camp August 26-29. Pray the youth attending will meet God there and not just their friends. Pray for salvation for those who do not know Jesus as Savior and pray for spiritual growth for those who have accepted Him. Pray for the team from the First Baptist Church, Belton, Texas; Grant and Jenna, Brett, Courtney and Daphne. Pray for Al and Belinda Jordan as they host the team and get them to the camp venue each day.

Friday August 27: Pray Swazis will understand what God expects of marriage and the marriage relationship. Pray for many strong Christian marriages and many Godly parents teaching their children about Jesus.

Saturday August 28: The youth retreat of the New Hope and Mgamudze Baptist Churches for the weekend of July 23-24 was postponed due to the lack of planning and very busy schedules. The group is looking at the end of September for rescheduling of this event. Pray planning can begin and the youth of the two churches will commit to fellowshipping and working together to develop strong youth groups in their churches.

Sunday August 29: Pray the Lord will burden the hearts of the Swazi church leaders to develop strong prayer relationships with Him. Pray prayer will be an important ministry in every Swazi Baptist church.

Monday August 30: The Shiselweni Children’s Camp begins today (Aug. 30-Sept. 1) at the New Hope Baptist Church. Please pray each child attending will experience a new awakening of Christ’s love in his/her life.

Tuesday August 31: Volunteer teams are preparing for a time of work and ministry in Swaziland in 2011. Pray as these groups meet and plan for their time working with the Swazi Team and Swazi people. May 2011 be a wonderful year of volunteers committing to join the Lord’s work in Swaziland.

My dearest Lord, be a bright flame to enlighten me, a guiding star to lead me, a smooth path beneath my feet, and a kindly shepherd along the way, today and for evermore. Saint Columbia

Jesus said, “When he, the Spirit of truth, comes he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13

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