Friday, April 8, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

“To the Praise of His Glory” was the theme of the 2011 Two Oceans Cluster meeting in Jo’burg March 30-April 4. What a wonderful time of praise and worship led by the First Baptist Church, Orlando, Fla. I can’t begin to tell you how my life was touched by the music and sermons that were shared with us. It gave my life the spiritual boost it so much needed. Ministering and serving is not about us, but about our Lord Jesus Christ, it is about HIM. Pray I will remember these words as I rise and prepare for each day. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:11 These meetings also provided a wonderful time of fellowship and reconnecting with our missionary colleagues that serve in South Africa, Indian Ocean Islands and Namibia. Please pray the Lord will continue to provide wisdom and discernment for these missionaries. Pray blessings will fall on their ministries and their lives.

We were in the middle of a meal and conversation when one of our missionary friends brought a young girl to our table. She preceded to say, “This young girl wanted to meet missionaries on the Swazi Team. Her parents were missionaries in Swaziland and she was born in Swaziland. Her name is Sarah Michelle Howard.” Oh what a joy to be able to see Sarah Michelle. I had been thinking of the family that was part of the “Swaziland Mission” 1992-1996. I remember Sarah Michelle when she was very small. Now she is 19 years old and was part of the volunteer team from the First Baptist Church of Orlando, Florida. The Lord continues to bless! We had a nice conversation with plenty of hugs!! 

--Monday-Wednesday (April 4-6), Wayne and I attended the Community Development Training led by Mark and Susan Hatfield of BGR (Baptist Global Response). Basically our training helped us to see how to begin needed projects in communities using good “missiology” with avoidance of dependency. The Swazis have so many needs but they are also quick to look to others to provide for their needs. Pray the Swazi Team will seek the Lord’s guidance as we try to meet the needs of those around us without encouraging dependency.

In recent weeks political developments throughout the Middle East and Africa have been major headlines. As country after country struggles with inner conflict and turmoil, others watch hoping it will not happen to them. April 12, 13 and 14 the trade union in Swaziland has called for strikes in Mbabane, Manzini and Nhlangano. Although strikes and discontentment are not new to Swaziland, in view of current events there is need for concern. Political heads of our country are calling the strikes against the law and rumors of military preparedness are spreading. What will be the outcome? Please pray these strikes will not end in riots and the military/police will not be called to provide order. Chaos usually follows when the military or police get involved. Pray peace will prevail over the nation of Swaziland.

--Saturday (9th of April) the Baptist Convention of Swaziland will meet to finalize plans for the National Easter Services April 21-24. Pray planning will be concluded and everyone will prepare for a time of fellowship and worship. The theme of this year’s services is “The Power of the Resurrection.” Sessions will be provided for adult/youth and children as well as evening worship. Pray the 2011 Good Friday/Easter Services will be a blessing to those attending. Pray for a wonderful time of unity and worship.

My risen Lord, I feel Thy strong protection;
I see Thee stand among the graves today;
“I am the Way, the Life, the Resurrection,” I hear Thee say.
And all the burdens I have carried sadly Grow light as blossoms on an April day;
My cross becomes a staff, I journey gladly This Easter day.
--Author Unknown

Here is an update on my nephew JC Miracle who was diagnosed with pancreatitis. JC was on a feeding tube for a while but now seems to be doing okay. JC seems to be doing pretty good now. The Dr. told us not to be surprised if he has a relapse in 3-4 months. He said that with chronic pancreatitis you could expect a relapse every 3-4 months for the first couple of years afterwards. So, just keep praying that it is healed and doesn't come back. Thank You!!

Continue to pray for the six summer missionaries and four “Hands On” missionaries as they prepare to minister in Swaziland sharing the True Love Waits message in churches and schools. The six summer missionaries will be in Swaziland June and July. The four “Hands On” missionaries will arrive in June and depart in December. Pray also for True Love Waits International consultant, Kym Pennington as she leads three (3-day) training events in Swaziland in May. May hearts be touched and changed and the AIDS pandemic will loosen its grip on the Swazi people.

--Please lift up IMB’s affinity group strategists and overseas leadership team as they come together on April 10 for a week of strategic planning.

--IMB’s semi-annual Personnel Support Director’s Meeting is scheduled to be held in Lima, Peru on April 11-13. Pray for wisdom as discussions take place and decisions are made regarding how better to support field personnel in the areas of medical care, member care, education of their children, and the various elements of strategic support training.

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