Saturday, April 16, 2011

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter

The week began with quite a bit of uncertainty. A strike had been called by the labor unions and facebook participants for April 13, 14 and 15. Soldiers and policemen as well as protestors were gearing up for a big show-down. Thank goodness it did not occur. There were incidents of police and soldiers tangling with the protestors. The cities of Manzini and Mbabane were tightly blocked so outsiders could not come in to join in protesting. This displeased the unions and they have vowed that another strike will be called. The event was covered by the South African news. One clip showed King Mswati watching the protestors, dressed in Swazi traditional dress. One wonders what was going through his mind as he watched the protestors dance for political change. South Africa trade union also voiced their displeasure in the outcome of the strike. “We will not allow any goods to come into Swaziland.” We don’t when that will happen and hope it does not. Nothing was really solved and discontentment continues. Pray the political situation in Swaziland will reach a peaceful solution. Grievances include displeasure by the extravagant spending of the King, his 13 wives and numerable children and the desire to chose own leaders and officials.

Happy Birthday to Steven Allen on the 20th of April. Pray Steve will have a very special day!!

--Tuesday the Swazi Team will meet at the home of the Hoskins’ to discuss accommodations and ministry of the six summer missionaries and four “Hands On” missionaries arriving in June to share the True Love Waits message with schools and churches. The summer missionaries with be in Swaziland during June and July. The “Hands On” missionaries will arrive in June and leave the middle of December. Pray for these missionaries as they prepare to work and live in Swaziland. Pray for the Swazi Team as we prepare to host them!!

--The Swazi Team praises the Lord on word that the Minister of Finance has given the okay for the 648 In-Home Care Kits (BGR buckets) to enter Swaziland tax free!!! Presently, BGR is determining the best method to get the buckets into Swaziland. Pray the buckets will be easily transported from Durban, South Africa to Swaziland as quickly as possible. Pray for the Swazi Team as we seek to train our church members on the use of the buckets with AIDS victims and their families.

What are the In Home Care kits? It is a compilation of medical and hygiene supplies that Baptist Global Response (BGR) is asking US churches, groups or individuals to provide to assist caregivers of home-bound, terminally ill patients. An In-Home Care Kit is designed to be delivered individually to a sick person’s home to show the love of Christ in a tangible way. The Kit is packed in a 5-gallon bucket filled with items like multivitamins, sheets, a towel and washcloths, soap for sensitive skin, gloves for caregivers and much more. For more information about the kit, go to and go to the “Shopping List” page. Also the “How do these items help?” page will give you some suggestions about how we use the items in the kit.

KITS FOR KIDS…Connecting Kids Who Care With Kids in Need!!
This summer Baptist Global Response is partnering with LifeWay Christian Resources in the Vacation Bible School missions project. Kids in Vacation Bible Schools all over the United States will be collecting school supplies for “Kits for Kids.” There’s even a website of resources for churches at Check it out!! Maybe this is something your VBS would like to do.

Not only once, and long ago,
There on Golgotha’s rugged side,
Has Christ, the Lord been crucified
Because He loved a lost world so.
But hourly souls, sin-satisfied,Mock His great love,
flout His commands,
And drive nails deep into His hands,
And thrust the spear within His side.
--John Richard Moreland

Celebrate God’s gift to man on Good Friday April 22 and Easter Sunday April 24!!

Pray for the National Good Friday/Easter Services that begin on the 21st of April and conclude on Easter Sunday. The theme is the “Power of the Resurrection” and sessions will be provided for adult/youth and children as well as evening worship. Pray the 2011 Good Friday/Easter Services will be a blessing to those attending. May everyone understand the true meaning and purpose of the Christ’s crucifixion and His resurrection.

--The Luwahhawhhweni Baptist Church lost a member this week. She was one of the original members of the small congregation and she was HIV positive. She always had a smile and even though she walked with a slight limp (from a previous stroke) she regularly attended church and Friday Bible study. She will be missed. Pray for the family of this lady (34 years old with three children) as they deal with their loss. Pray for the Luwhhawhhaweni Baptist Church that continues to loss members to the AIDS pandemic. Another member (with symptoms of AIDS) has also been sick and in the hospital. Pray she will gain strength and recover from her illness.

--Last Sunday after worship services the adults of the Vuvulane Baptist Church visited a very sick lady in the community. When Wayne first entered the room he did not see her emaciated body and walked right past her. She too showed signs of AIDS. Pray for this lady. Perhaps it will be a matter of time before she succumbs to her illness. The sign of loss is everywhere. Homesteads are either caring for a sick loved one or burying a loss family member. The only occupants of some homesteads are children with no one to care for them. What is their hope? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Pray those dying with AIDS will have a chance to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior before it is too late.

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