Monday, October 19, 2009

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter - October 12

Happy Birthday to Barbara today (12th of October)!!

The Myers family gathered together on Saturday (10th of December) to remember Larry and JoAnn as well as Sandy. It was a time of sharing with each other as well as remembering. In January 2008 Wayne’s sister Sandy (61 years old) was found dead in her chair. In May 2009 Larry (54 years old) passed away after suffering a massive heart attack. June 2009 JoAnn (69 years old) died after a long bout with cancer. We appreciate each of you who prayed for this special time.

--We spent the night (10th) with Terry and Darlene Myers. Terry was found to have stage 4-cancer in 2008. We learned more of his illness and prognosis. Currently Terry is in remission but has been told the cancer will return and must have follow-up tests every three months. Please pray for Terry and Darlene as they continue to deal with the effects of the cancer and the general prognosis. Pray Terry will continue to be in remission.

We want to say a big THANK YOU to Rob and Susan for loaning us a car. We drove to O’Fallen, Missouri last week (Monday-Wednesday) and enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship and meeting their daughter Savannah. We also did some sightseeing, visiting the Meramec Caverns at Stanton, Mo and the Holocaust Museum in St. Louis. We appreciate the opportunity to make the visit and explore the beautiful state of Missouri.

-Monica and Lacie returns to Swaziland this week, October 16th. Continue to pray for Steve and Nathan as they await Monica and Lacie’s return to Swaziland. Pray Monica and Lacie’s flight will be uneventful.

-During Steven Allen’s last medical visit, he was found to have four kidney stones. Please pray he will be able to pass these without difficulty.

--Sarah Warren is scheduled for a follow-up test on the 12th of October for blurry vision in the right eye. Please continue to pray for Sarah Warren. Pray for satisfactory results from her test today.

Please continue to pray for direction on employment/ministry opportunities for Bert and Lisa Warren. Pray for Lisa’s parents as they adjust to moving into the Warren’s home and for her father’s continued improvement and rehabilitation.

-For my niece’s husband’s mother who has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. A feeding tube has been placed. Pray for the Lord’s strength and courage during this difficult time.

--October 18, 2009 the Myers will attend the Hillview Baptist Church (Louisville, KY) WMU’s Eliza Broadus (State Missions) celebration. This church is a great prayer supporter of the Myers and their work with the Swazi people. Pray this will be a very special time with this church celebrates their contribution to the Eliza Broadus mission offering.

Kelly Woody, True Love Waits International Consultant was in Swaziland August/September meeting with our leaders and leading/teaching True Love Waits presentations and trainings. Plans are being made to form a National True Love Waits committee with reps from our Swazi Baptist churches as well as other Great Commission organizations. Continue to pray for leaders to rise up and stand strong in sharing the message of purity.

-The IMB will be hosting 100 pastors and mission leaders for an “Impact Your World Conference,” October 12-14. Ask God to enlarge their hearts and minds to totally grasp His vision for their involvement toward reaching the nations. With more than 3,000 unreached people groups totally unengaged by either a missionary or church, we desperately need for them to become 100 percent involved in God’s plan for extending His kingdom to all the peoples of the world.
-Thank the Lord for the 350 adults and children who recently completed their field personnel orientation and are now headed to their field assignments. Intercede for the 289 adults and during these important days of pre-departure preparation. Pray also that the group will be protected from a major outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus.

In 1873, one young woman was so moved by China’s lostness that she abandoned her job, home and family to evangelize the Chinese. Lottie urged Southern Baptists in the US to take up the cause and support missionaries through prayer and giving. Pray many will give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering so that all the peoples will have a chance to hear the gospel and know Jesus as their Savior.
Can I pray on a bus?
I never knew I could pray in a shop or on the bus. I never knew I didn’t have to close my eyes or how my head. I didn’t know I could pray for people I never knew. There are just a few of the statements heard by a volunteer team that came to teach the Swazis the importance of a personal prayer life and prayer walking. So many Swazis do not know what it means to pray outside the church and have a personal prayer life. While prayer walking one afternoon, a group of ladies asked the prayer walkers who visited them if they had to stop working in their gardens and go inside for prayer. The prayer walkers told them, “No, we can pray for you right here.” Pray the Swazi people will understand the true meaning of prayer and a need for a personal prayer life. Pray each Swazi Baptist church will make prayer walking a part of the church’s ministry.

A price was given for the printing of the prayer booklet, “So That Christ Might Dwell in Their Hears.” We are waiting to hear concerning possible funding of this project. Please pray an affirmative answer will soon be given and the printing of this booklet can take place. Pray also the prayer booklet will be in the hands of many prayer warriors for the Swazi people.

Pray the rains will be good this year throughout all of Swaziland. Pray especially the rains will be plentiful in the lowveld area of Swaziland that has not received needed rainfall in the past few years.

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