Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Swazi Team Prayer Calendar - November

Sunday November 1: Continue to pray for the Swazi Baptist churches without pastoral leadership. Pray these churches will remain one body and faithful in serving one another as they patiently wait on the Lord to provide the right person to lead the congregations.

Monday November 2: Thank you for praying for Monica and Lacie last month as they took a short holiday in the USA for Monica’s cousin’s wedding. It was a great trip and Monica and Lacie are blessed to have had the opportunity for a quick visit to see family and be a part of a special family occasion. Steve and Nathan did well without their girls.
-Pray the Allen family will have strength and wisdom as Steve and Monica balance family and ministry each day. Pray their walks with the Lord will grow more and more specifically direction for family as Lacie and Nathan are taught to love the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray Steve and Monica will continue to find ways to make weekly worship at home positive and meaningful for the children especially Lacie.

Tuesday November 3: Sarah Warren’s follow-up visit to her doctor on the 12th of October for blurry vision in her right eye revealed a slight improvement. She will need to continue wearing the eye patch on her left eye in order to strengthen the right one. Her next check-up is December 28th. Continue to pray the blurry vision will go away!! Pray for Sarah as she continues to wear the eye patch.

Wednesday November 4: Continue to pray for direction on employment/ministry opportunities for Bert Warren. The Lord has blessed Lisa with a part-time secretarial job with a Baptist church in her area. Pray for Lisa’s father as his recovery continues to be slow with new developments. Pray they will be able adjust to leaving their home.

Thursday November 5: This month Swazis hope to prepare their fields for planting their yearly crop of corn (main diet staple). Planting will not take place until sufficient rain has fallen. Pray every region and area of Swaziland will have enough water to plant their crops and meet the people’s needs.

Friday November 6: The Myers return today after two weeks sharing in North Carolina about their work among the Swazi people. Tomorrow, they leave for Northwest Indiana ministry sharing with the Orchard Drive Baptist Church Saturday evening and preaching (Wayne) Sunday morning. Pray the Myers will be spiritually prepared for this weekend. Wayne was pastor of the Orchard Drive Baptist Church 1989-1993. Pray for Wayne and Barbara as they fellowship with friends and share of the work the Lord has given them with the Swazi people.

Saturday November 7: Today the Baptist Convention of Swaziland will elect a new Executive Committee. Pray committed, Christian leaders will be elected to these positions. Pray for unity in all decisions and support from all our Baptist churches.

Sunday November 8: Pray for the new outreach group in the Lesibovu area averaging about 60 people each Saturday afternoon. Pray for God’s wisdom guiding each step for Steve and Monica Allen with this group. Even now, pray for leaders that will rise within the group to be trained. 70 people have accepted Jesus Christ and 27 people have been baptized through these Bible studies. Sunday afternoon church services are now being conducted.

Monday November 9: While stateside Wayne and Barbara Myers have spent time with the Myers’ family. Wayne’s brother, Terry was found to have stage-4 cancer in 2008. More was learned of his illness and prognosis. He is currently in remission but has been told the cancer will return and must have follow-up tests every three months. Please pray for Terry and his wife Darlene as they continue to deal with the effects of the cancer and the general prognosis. Pray Terry will continue to be in remission.

Tuesday November 10: Plans are being made to form a National True Love Waits committee with reps from our Swazi Baptist churches as well as other Great Commission organizations. Continue to pray for leaders to rise up and stand strong in sharing the message of purity. A True Love Waits trainers’ weekend was held for the Hhohho and Manzini regions for those interested in teaching the message of TLW in their churches, schools and communities. Pray these newly trained leaders will share with others, be accountable to one another and keep spreading the positive message of TLW.

Wednesday November 11: Pray as the Swazi Team prayerfully works on personnel requests for workers to come and serve with the Myers and Allens in Swaziland. Even now, pray for the people God has chosen to send to work with our Swazi mission team and the Swazi people to further His kingdom.

Thursday November 12: In the last couple of months three Swazi Baptist couples were united in marriage. There are very few Christian role models for those desiring a Christian wedding and marriage. Culture allows the man to treat his wife as he chooses and have relationships outside the marriage. Pray these couples will understand what God expects of the marriage relationship. Pray for strong Swazi Christian marriages.

Friday November 13: Today the Myers leave for their second trip to North Carolina to speak in churches and groups Sunday through Wednesday. They plan to return to Kentucky on the 19th of November. Pray this time will be spiritually lifting for everyone involved. Pray the Lord will bless the fellowship with old and new friends.

Saturday November 14: Sipho is an adult Swazi that is HIV positive. Taking the ARVs (Anti-retro viral) he is able to live a somewhat normal life. Recent statistics show that 400,000 adults live in Swaziland and 44% of these adults are on the ARVs. Pray the anti-retro viral drugs will continue to be available for those suffering from HIV/AIDS. Pray for a change in behavior that causes the spread of HIV/AIDS and the need for ARVs.

Sunday November 15: Pray for wisdom and God’s direction for Steven Allen in pursuing new work. Steven and Nathan recently conducted a prayer drive around the Magugu Dam area and although Steven has been invited to show the “Jesus” film at a local primary school doors do not seem to be opening for a new work at this time. Pray for direction concerning where the Allens need to conduct another prayer drive in the Hhohho region.

Monday November 16: Pray the King of Swaziland, his wives and children will hear the true salvation story and will realize trusting in Jesus is the most precious gift of all.

Tuesday November 17: LOTTIE MOON @WORK… Want to read stories that will help your church understand how giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering supports IMB missionaries on the field—go to
www.imb.org- then click on HOME—afterwards look for What’s New and click on “What can a missionary do with $1.00…following with a click on “More giving opportunities.” Please seek the Lord’s will concerning your contributions to LMCO. Pray 2009 LMCO goal of $175 million will be reached. J

Wednesday November 18: During the third school term, the Allens need to get Lacie’s name on a list for grade 1 at one of the private schools in Mbabane. Although Lacie is only starting kindergarten in January 2010, the Allens will be stateside for six months next year and Lacie’s name needs to be on a list for school before the school year ends this year. Pray the right school will be found for Lacie before the end of the year.

Thursday November 19: The green dome lights up when people are worshipping inside the mosque that sits on a hill overlooking Nhlangano. The same can be said of other mosques Manzini and Mbabane. Pray for the many Swazis being misled and confused by the Muslim faith. Pray Christians will see the urgency to witness to their lost friends, family members and neighbors.

Friday November 20: Trying to start and sustain homestead churches continues to be difficult. Challenges include not wanting to be identified with Zionists (African Traditional Religion), feeling the church is not “theirs” but belongs to the homestead family and feeling the church imposes on the family by meeting each week. Pray Christian Swazis will understand the need to reach their neighbors for Jesus. Pray these challenges will not keep them from organizing and meeting on a regular basis.

Saturday November 21: We as believers, can accept God’s peace into our lives, we are transformed. And then, because we possess he gift of peace, we can share the gift with fellow believers and with fellow citizens of all faiths. Today, as a gift to yourself , to your family, to your friends and to your nation, pray for peace in this world and for peace within your soul.

Sunday November 22: Today the Myers are sharing with the Dover Baptist Church in the am and the Hillview Baptist Church in the pm. Pray for a spirit of interest in those hearing how the Lord is working in Swaziland. Pray for a desire to commit to praying and supporting IMB missionaries and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. J

Monday November 23: Pray for several churches that are currently trying to obtain plots for building new churches or shifting existing churches. Hawane Baptist is STILL waiting to have their plot of land marked by the community council. Victory Baptist plans to move their building closer to the road. Ntsintsa has met in a Red Cross building since it started in the 1990s and desires to have their own church. Mphembekati has to move their existing church due to being too close to a school. Peniel lost their church meeting place so they are seeking a new one temporarily until they can begin building their own structure. Lesibovu, newest outreach area, is also attempting to obtain land so they can begin building their own church structure.

Tuesday November 24: Volunteer teams are preparing for a time of work and ministry in Swaziland. Pray as these groups meet and prepare for their time working with the Allens and Myers. Begin praying for the volunteer team from the Atlantic Association in North Carolina planning to arrive the middle of January to work in the Shiselweni region.

Wednesday November 25: In the Lubumbo region more Swazis are taking the initiative to share the gospel and reach out to their people. Also, a mission team has been formed among the Swazis, going to surrounding areas to do evangelism as well as Mozambique. Pray these faithful servants will continue to commit to seeing many lost Swazis find hope and eternal life in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thursday November 26: HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!
The Swazi Team is thankful for all God has done in our lives and how He is working in and through the Swazi people. Pray for the Myers celebrating Thanksgiving in Kentucky and the Allens celebrating in Swaziland. The Allens are thankful for the missionary community in Mbabane with whom they will celebrate Thanksgiving. J

Friday November 27: Pray for Greg, Hannah, Joshua and Elijah Poe returning to Swaziland as a volunteer team (December 10-25). Hannah will be the main speaker for our National Women’s Retreat (December 17-19) for all our women of the Swazi Baptist churches. The Poe family will be leading and sharing with various ministries during their time in Swaziland. Pray for safety and health for their trip and ministry schedule plans to be finalized.

Saturday November 28: The Swaziland Baptist National Women’s Retreat is scheduled for December 17-19, 2009 at the Manzini Baptist Church. Hannah Poe former missionary with the Swazi Team is the guest speaker. Please pray for a wonderful time of fellowship and spiritual learning. Pray for Hannah’s spiritual preparation as she comes to lead this retreat.

Sunday November 29: Pray for the many families in Swaziland who are devastated by the AIDS pandemic. Pray for the many children without parents and grandparents without children, for the Swazi economy suffering from the loss of many skilled workers and for the possible loss of a whole generation. Pray Swazis will seek to live Christ-like lives and the AIDS pandemic will lose its grip on the Swazi people.

Monday November 30: It is the heroes and heroines who are out of sight and who labour in prayer, who make it possible for those who are in sight to do their work and win.” G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945) pastor of the Westminster Chapel, London. Thank you faithful prayer warriors who pray for us missionaries and the Swazi people. Pray we will continue working and praying together for the many lost Swazis who do not know the Lord as their Savior.

Help us remember
That the key to life and living
Is to make each prayer a
Prayer of thanks
And every day “Thanksgiving.”
-Helen Steiner Rice
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30

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