Monday, October 19, 2009

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter - October 19

I want to say thank you to all who sent birthday greetings on my special day. I so appreciate you remembering me and praying for me!

“It is the heroes and heroines who are out of sight and who labor in prayer, who make it possible for those who are in sight to do their work and win.” -G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945), pastor of Westminister Chapel in London.
Yesterday morning we worshiped with the Hillview Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky. The WMU ladies have been faithful prayer supporters of the Myers and invited us to participate in their Eliza Broadus Tasting Party. It was an enjoyable time. We were made to feel supported and affirmed!! It is always special to meet those who pray for us and the work with the Swazi people. Plans are being made for us to return and share our story as well as show pictures and answer questions concerning the Lord’s ministry in Swaziland. Please remember this church as the congregation ministers to those in their community. Pray for Wayne and I as we return to Hillview and share the Lord’s blessings in Swaziland.
--Pray also for Hillview revival services beginning on the 1st of November!!

Friday, 23rd of October we leave for North Carolina and the South Roanake Association spending a week speaking in churches. On Friday the 30th, we depart for the Atlantic Association to also speak and fellowship. We will return to Kentucky on the 6th of November. Both associations have been faithful in sending volunteer teams to work with our Swazi Baptist churches and beginning new work. Pray our time with these two associations will be fun, relaxing and rewarding as we continue to share how God is blessing the work in the Shiselweni and Lubumbo regions of Swaziland.

-Monica and Lacie have returned to Swaziland after attending Monica’s cousin’s wedding in Florida and spending time with her family. We thank you for praying for Monica and Lacie as well as Steve and Nathan who remained in Swaziland.

--Sarah Warren’s follow-up visit to her doctor on the 12th of October for blurry vision in her right eye revealed a slight improvement. She will need to continue wearing the eye patch on her left eye in order to strengthen the right one. Her next check-up is December 28th. Continue to pray the blurry vision will go away!! Pray for Sarah as she continues to wear the eye patch.

Please continue to pray for direction on employment/ministry opportunities for Bert Warren. The Lord has blessed Lisa with a part-time secretarial job with a Baptist church in her area. Pray for Lisa’s parents as they adjust to moving into the Warren’s home and for her father’s continued improvement and rehabilitation.

-Pray for my niece’s husband’s mother (Debbie Miracle) diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Pray for the Lord’s strength and courage during this difficult time. The pastor of Hillview Baptist Church in Louisville is a brother to Debbie Miracle. Pray for the family as they continue to deal with Debbie’s illness.
--While stateside we have been able to spend time with the Myers’ family. Wayne’s brother, Terry was found to have stage-4 cancer in 2008. More was learned of his illness and prognosis. He is currently in remission but has been told the cancer will return and must have follow-up tests every three months. Please pray for Terry and his wife Darlene as they continue to deal with the effects of the cancer and the general prognosis. Pray Terry will continue to be in remission.

Pray for the many in Swaziland suffering from AIDS. Pray for the caregivers as they do what they know to do while watching as their loved one slowly dies. Pray the unsaved will have a chance to accept Jesus as their Savior before death comes.

-Thirty missionary candidates will arrive in Richmond for their Candidate interview Conference, October 19-23. Thank the Lord for calling out laborers into His overseas harvest fields. Pray for Him to give clear guidance to these candidates as they seek to match up with the place of ministry to which He has called them.

This month Swazis hope to prepare their fields for planting their yearly crop of corn (main diet staple). Planting will not take place until sufficient rain has fallen. Pray every region and area of Swaziland will have enough water to plant their crops and meet the people’s needs.

Dear Lord, You offer a peace that is perfect and eternal. Let me turn the cares and burdens of my life over to You, and let me feel the spiritual abundance that You offer through the person of Your Son, the Prince of Peace. Today, I also pray for peace among the nations, Father, and for brotherly love among Your children throughout the world. I pray for your safety and comfort for these soldiers fighting for the freedoms of our great nation. You are the source of peace, Dear Lord; let us find it in You. Amen

THE LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING!! Has your church set their goal? Over 5,000 International Mission Board missionaries depend upon your church to commit to support their work and ministry through monetary gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Without your support we cannot stay on the “field! Give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering!!

A price was given for the printing of the prayer booklet, “So That Christ Might Dwell in Their Hears.” We are waiting to hear concerning possible funding of this project. Please pray an affirmative answer will soon be given and the printing of this booklet can take place. Pray also the prayer booklet will be in the hands of many prayer warriors for the Swazi people.

Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that is cannot save; Neither is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He does not want to hear. Isaiah 59:1-2

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