Friday, May 8, 2009

More Update on Lisa's Dad

Sorry that it has taken me so long to send out another update ... it has been a slow process getting information, and waiting on test results. I do want to let you know just how much I appreciate all your prayers, love and encouraging emails for me, Bert and the kids. And also for the many different ways you are ministering to my parents back in the States. Thank you for giving of your time to travel with Mom to the hospital each day, the many hospital visits, cards, phone calls, and continuous prayers. What a gift it is to have such wonderful family and friends who are always there no matter the hour or distance! I love you all so much!

Throughout this past week, Dad has undergone several different tests, including an MRI this weekend. The MRI showed no swelling, but did show a definite stroke. We are waiting to hear as to what extent the damage caused by the stroke is. He has been experiencing no movement in his left arm/leg, slurred speech and is still not able to swallow well. They will be placing a feeding tube in today in order to keep his strength up. His coloring and speech seem to be much better today, and he was even able to move his leg a little, praise the Lord! He will remain at Rex Hospital for now until his doctor feels he is strong enough to be transferred to Rocky Mount to begin rehabilitation therapy, which will be much closer for my Mom. They say this will be a very long process, but are optimistic.

It has been hard being so far away, and not being able to "see" for myself what is going on, and then waiting to hear results. Please know that I can feel your prayers so strongly, and that God is granting me peace each and every day. I have been praying about traveling back, and continue to ask the Lord what is best ... the doctors and nurses feel that it would not be in Dad's best interest right now, and that I should wait a little further down the road. Each time they mention the idea of me coming back, he gets too emotional, which they say is normal for stroke patients. Please pray for guidance in making the right decision, the one that is best for him, not me.

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart ... I will update again as soon as I know more.
Thank you for all your love, support and prayers!

Serving Him together,

~ The Warren Family

~bert, lisa, jessie, matthew & sarah

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