Friday, May 8, 2009

Myers Weekly Prayer Letter - May 4, 2009

“Simply phenomenal” was used by one of the volunteer team members for what occurred last week in the Maphungweni area (outside Siteki). The team was quite overwhelmed by the response of the people as they shared the gospel, conducted Bible studies and revival meetings. Two revival tents connected together could not hold all the people that came to hear the word preached. Many stood during the services or sat outside the tents when there was no room inside. One evening over 400 people came. Many throughout the week responded to the call to accept Jesus as their Savior. The volunteer team left Thursday for the States but revival services continued until yesterday. Wayne and I had the joy of seeing over 150 people come for Sunday morning worship. Plans were made by Pastor Sigwane and Bert Warren with those interested for prayer service on Thursday and Sunday morning worship in Pastor Sigwane’s family homestead.
What brought such a tremendous response from the people? God’s people praying!! Prayer for this ministry began long before the volunteer team arrived. Pastor Sigwane had a vision for his home area and asked the missionaries and volunteer team members to join in this vision. We also asked you to join us as well. Thank You for your prayer support and for being a part of this phenomenal occurrence.
Please pray for those who made decisions during the revival services to understand the commitment made. Pray for true revival to continue in this community.

One of the volunteer team members from North Carolina that ministered last week in Maphungweni was handicapped. Each evening he rolled his wheelchair to the front and preached to the people. Through this witness several handicapped people came to the revival services. One lady with a daughter born with only one leg shared with the team that she was concerned for her daughter. She wanted to be sure she had an education so she could send her somewhere safe. “If she stays here men will abuse her and treat her badly because she will not be able to defend herself. I must send her away for her protection.”. What a heartfelt cry from a loving mother. Unfortunately, there are many in Swaziland living in fear. These are the innocent victims of sexual abuse and rape. Pray for protection for girls living in situations that are not safe and lead to sexual abuse and possible death. Pray the Swazi government will take notice of the plight of women and children and will seek to pass laws that will protect them. Pray for a safer place to live for the handicapped and children that will allow them to have a future.

· Maloma Baptist Church May 4-9. Services begin this evening and end on Saturday.
· Ntuthwakazi Baptist Church May 11-15.

-Lisa Warren’s father underwent surgery on the 28th but problems occurred and it is felt he might have had a stroke. The family is waiting on the results of the MRI taken last week. Continue to pray for Lloyd Claiborne’s recovery from his surgery and possible stroke. Pray for the family as they wait to hear the results of the MRI.

Tomorrow May 5th, Lacie Allen is scheduled for her tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in Jo’burg. Her surgery was cancelled last Tuesday due to cold and congestion. Pray she will be able to have the surgery and for her speedy recovery.

Wayne was able to talk to two sisters and brother (SKYPE) last evening and received these updates:
-Terry (stage 4 cancer) is finishing chemotherapy and presently holding his own as well as working 30-40 hours a week.
-His oldest sister JoAnn was diagnosed with lung cancer last year. Because of nausea she was only able to take one chemotherapy treatment. Therefore she is not receiving treatments and will be placed in a nursing home soon.
Please continue to pray for Terry and JoAnn, especially for the Lord to draw them into His healing embrace.

- Pray for my niece’ husband’s, mom who has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Pray for the Lord’s strength and courage during this difficult time.
-Pray also for Kerry Harp who continues to recover from a motorcycle accident last year. Pray the Lord will wrap his loving arms around him and Kerry will feel His presence.

-- Pray for Kimber and Julia Tarr as they attend their debriefing conference at the International Learning Center May 5-9. Continue to pray both will adjust to living in the USA.

The Swazi Team is happy to share with you some exciting news!! To ensure that everyone has an opportunity to pray for the many prayer needs of the Swazi Team and Swazi people, options are being offered for your selection.
-For all you “internet surfers” check out the Swazi Team website at We appreciate Mike Huffman’s (volunteer team member to Swaziland) efforts in keeping the website updated and ready for you to view and pray!! J
--For the younger generation and professional bloggers, the Swazi Team now has a blog!!
Check: We appreciate Swazi Team member Monica Allen for setting this up and keeping it updated!!
--The weekly prayer letters and monthly team prayer calendar will continue to arrive via email as before.

Saturday May 9th, Annah Thwala and I will conduct a children’s Bible study at the Phuzumoya Baptist Church. We plan to teach the children’s AIDS booklet, “Learning About AIDS”. We have been told to prepare for about 100 children. Pray as we gather materials and booklets for this large number of children. Pray the lessons and activities taught from the booklet will help the children learn about AIDS and how it affects the body. Pray also each will learn and understand God’s plan for living and marriage.

Pray for the members of our military who are risking their lives in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world, asking God to protect and guard each one. Pray that those who are new to military life will make healthy and strong adjustments to their new positions. Pray for them to find blessing and fulfillment in their new assignments.

Wayne and Barbara Myers Stateside Assignment September 25-December 30, 2009
-Begin praying all preparations for departure from Swaziland and arrival in Kentucky will go smoothly.
-Pray a vehicle will be secured for traveling in the states.
-Pray for peace concerning leaving our home and Wolf for three months.

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